Department of Housing & Urban Development Notice of Funding Availability (NoFA) for the Fiscal Year 2014 Funds in the FY2013- FY2014 Continuum of Care Program Competition 1
Overview Information : The much anticipated annual NoFA from HUD was announced last week. This annual funding allows Broward County to provide much needed services for our homeless families and individuals. We will cover 9 highlighted areas today outlining the 2014 HUD NoFA 2
1. Available Funds: Approximately $1.83 billion available in this funding notice- locally we have applied for $10,122,842 based on our ARD-Annual Renewal Demand All projects must be ranked into two Tiers (Tiers are financial thresholds): Tier 1 is equal to the CoC’s FY2014 ARD approved during the FY2014 CoC Registration process, less 2 percent- $9,920,385 Tier 2 is equal to 2% of ARD-$202,457 $40 million will be set aside for a Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus (PSH Bonus) to create a new dedicated PSH to serve the chronically homeless Priority given to those CoCs that have a high need in relation to chronic homelessness 3
2. FY2014 Application Process: A. Collaborative Applicant B. Project Applicants C. Geographic Area Changes from FY2013 CoC Registration A. No geographic area changes are allowed D. Changes to Approved FY2014 CoC Registration 4
3. Additional Information Regarding the FY2014 Application Process: 1. CoC Score 2. Approved FY2014 CoC Registration 3. FY2014 Project Application 1. New reallocated projects which can be either: A. new permanent supportive housing projects created through reallocation where all beds will be dedicated for use by the chronically homeless B. new rapid re-housing projects created for households with children who originally came from the streets or emergency shelter 2. Permanent Supportive Housing Bonus 4. CFY2014 CoC Priority Listing (PONG, Ranking Tool) 5. HUD will conduct an eligibility and threshold review of ranked projects 6. HUD intends to issue one funding announcement for both new and renewal projects 5
4. Eligible Costs: 24 CFR through identify eligible costs Link to HUD Exchange eligible costs resources HUD will reject any requests for ineligible costs 6
5. Match: 24 CFR describes the match requirements Link to HUD Exchange Match Requirements Link to HUD Exchange Match Requirements 7
6. Requirements: DUNS number and SAM DUN & Bradstreet to obtain a DATA Universal Numbering System number System Award Management HUD will not enter into an agreement with an entity that does not have a DUNS number or an active SAM 8
7. Local Competition Deadline: CoCs to implement internal competition deadlines to ensure transparency and fairness at the local level Notify project applicants no later than 10 days before application deadline regarding whether or not their application will be included as part of the CoC Priority Listing submission. Any rejected project should be notified in writing, outside of e-snaps, with an explanation for the rejection decision Deadline for the CoC Program Competition is October 30, 2014 at 7:59 pm eastern time 9
8. CoC Transparency: CoC should provide a view of the Priority Listing on its website and notify community members and key stakeholders that the listing is available 10
9. CoC Review of Project Application: Implement a thorough review and oversight process at the local level for both new and renewal projects. Closely review to ensure that: All proposed participants will be eligible for project component type; The proposed activities are eligible under the CoC Program interim rule; Each project narrative is fully responsive to the question being asked and that it meets all of the criteria for that question included in the detailed instruction; The data provided in various parts of the project application are consistent; and All required attachments correspond to the attachments list in e-snaps, and that they contain accurate and complete information 11
Conclusion and questions NoFA Time! 12