City of Amarillo, Texas 2015 – 2020 Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan 2015 Analysis of Impediments Public Forums
The purpose of this briefing is to receive community input on the proposed Consolidated Plan for Program Years A Community Input Process is used to gather input in preparing the plan: Five Year Consolidated Plan Annual Action Plan Program Year 2015
CONSOLIDATED PLAN Consolidated Plan is a strategic plan designed to identify and addresses community needs: n n Housing n n Economic Development n n Public Services n n Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure n n To receive grant funding from Department of Housing and Urban Development, the city must complete the Consolidated Plan every five years. n n HUD Regulation 24 CFR Part 21
Elements of the Consolidated Plan
Provides citizens with an opportunity to participate in the development of the Consolidated Plan, including: Community Forums and Public Input Survey Input on the Community ’ s Priority Needs Review of draft Consolidated Plan 30-day comment period Public Hearing / Council Approval
Analyses of housing supply, demand, condition and cost: – –The number of units - availability, affordability, suitability; – –Areas of concentration of low- and moderate-income persons; – –The availability / location of public or assisted housing; – –rental and homeownership / accommodations for large families and seniors; – –Special Needs - emergency shelter, transitional, domestic violence victims, homeless facilities, permanent supportive housing, etc.; – –Barriers to affordable housing development and preservation.
Analyses of the housing and homeless needs over the next five (5) years: n n Household composition and income category (extremely low, low, moderate); n n Housing availability, affordability and cost burden; n n Housing overcrowding; n n Homeless housing needs; n n Housing for special needs populations; and n n Public and Assisted Housing Needs.
n n The Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing is a study of public and private actions, omissions, decisions that restrict housing choices. n n The results culminate in identification of impediments and remedial actions to be taken over the five year Consolidated Plan period.
The Monitoring Plan describes the standards and procedures that the city will use to monitor HUD- entitlement funded activities to ensure conformance to the program regulations. The city ’ s monitoring plan includes: Annual Monitoring of city ’ s progress toward meeting Consolidated Planning Goals based on HUD ’ s Performance Management System. Desk and on-site reviews of HUD-funded activities. The provision of technical assistance and support to sub-recipients and service providers.
The following certifications must be submitted to HUD: Affirmatively furthering fair housing; Anti-displacement and relocation plan; Drug-free workplace; Anti-lobbying; Authority of jurisdiction; Consistency with plan; Acquisition and relocation; and Section 3 Economic Opportunities. n n Other Certifications may be required depending on the funding source.
Indicates the priorities for allocating entitlement funds within the city over a five year period: Identifies any obstacles to meeting underserved needs; Summarizes the priorities and specific objectives the city will initiate and/or complete during the five year period; and Details how funds will be used to address identified needs, including proposed performance goals, accomplishments and outcomes.
Annual Action Plans will include: A summary of the anticipated entitlement funding to be received from HUD each year. A description of expected local, state and other federal resources. A description of the activities to be undertaken; Outcome performance measures for activities. Goals, Strategies, Objectives, Activities, Performance Goals the city plans to undertake during each program year.
Entitlement Funding Consolidated Annual Performance Report Program Year 2013 Ending - September 30, 2013 U.S. Department of HUD Entitlement Funding $ 1,451,536 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $ 579,998 Home Investment Partnership Grant (HOME) $ 12,692 CDBG Program Income $ 8,702 HOME Program Income $ 153,979 HOME Program Match $ 243,274 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) $ 2,450,181 Total COC:$ 318,762 Supportive Housing Grant COC:$ 318,762 Supportive Housing Grant $ 397,855 Shelter Plus Care Grant
Income Eligibility = 80% of Area ’ s Median Family Income ($63,400) Amarillo, Texas MSA Household Size Annual Income 1 - $35, $40, $45, $50, $54,800
Annual Allocation of Funds The Annual Action Plan allocates funding among seven key areas of needs that are generally eligible for program funding. NOTE: Due to the varying requirements applicable to the CDBG programs, and limited funds available, not all needs can be addressed with HUD funds.
n n To develop viable communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environment. n n Must meet a CDBG National Objectives: – –Benefit low and moderate income persons – –Prevent and eliminate slum and blight – –Meet needs having a particular urgency Entitlement CDBG Allocations and Supplemental and Disaster CDBG must meet the National Objectives CDBG – What is the Purpose?
CDBG Eligible Activities
65 % Other Eligible Activities (CDBG) Public Facilities – Acquisition, Rehabilitation, or Construction of: Streets Parks Water and Sewer Drainage Curbs/Gutters Shelters/Community Centers Parking/Sidewalks Housing Rehabilitation Homeownership Demolition Code Enforcement Property Acquisition Interim Assistance
S urvey and Ranking of Priority Needs Let Us Know About Your Needs for Services and Improvements in Your Neighborhood. Help Us Prioritize Our Spending! Rank 1 (highest need) through 7 (lowest need) COMMUNITY NEED - Community Facilities (e.g., parks, Fire Stations, Equipment) - Community Services (e.g., childcare, recreation, senior programs) - Economic Development (e.g., business assistance programs) - Homeless Facilities and Services - Housing (new affordable housing, rehabilitation, homeownership) - Public Improvements (e.g., streets, lighting, water, sewer) - Homeless Assistance / Prevention Services (emergency financial assistance to pay housing expenses)
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice Protected Classes Under the 1968 Federal Fair Housing Act Race Color Religion Sex Disability Familial Status National Origin
Scope of Work – Approach and Methodology Strategic Planning and Data Collection Public Participation / Community Engagement Community Profile Fair Housing Law, Public Policy, Programs, Regulatory, and Complaint Analysis Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Analysis Fair Housing Index / Socio Economic Analysis Identification of Impediments Recommendations for Remedial Actions Best Practice Strategies for Implementation
Identification of Impediments Real Estate Impediments Public Policy Impediments Neighborhood Conditions as Impediments Banking, Finance, and Insurance Related Impediments Socioeconomic Impediments
Public Policy, Regulatory, Legislative, Industry, Market Related Impediments Transportation and Mobility – Limited public transit routes / service hours - Little Rock, AR. Building Codes – Proposed regulations limiting new single family housing to a minimum square footage requirement of 1800 sq. ft. – Irving, Texas. Homeowner Insurance / Home Security Systems subject to credit score approval – Spartanburg County, SC. Concentrated Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, and Public and Assisted Housing – Rockford, IL.
What ’ s Next??? n n Submission of Proposed Projects and Formulation of 2015 Annual Plan Budget n n Complete Public Forums and Survey n n Draft 2015 – 2020 Consolidated Plan, 2015 Annual Plan, Impediment Analysis n n 30-Day Public Comment Period n n Adjust Plans and Budget as Needed n n Final Public Hearing and City Council Approval n n Submission to HUD