The Transition House, Inc. Thomas J. Griffin, CEO Founder
History TTHI began as a small, 12 bed halfway house for males recovering from the disease of chemical dependency. Since that date we have gradually grown into the complete social service agency that we are today. Currently we have the capacity to house 243 clients in our long term residential treatment programs and also in our affordable permanent supportive housing program. The majority of our clients come from the Central Florida area, but we receive referrals and individuals from all over the country.
Location: 4596 W Irlo Bronson Highway Kissimmee (Victory Village)
Location: 4596 W Irlo Bronson Highway Kissimmee (Victory Village) Victory Village is a multi unit, long term affordable housing project that TTHI spearheaded in conjunction with Osceola County. The project started as a run down 1970’s era hotel located along the west 192 corridor. The existing facility was renovated into 20 apartments with a mix of 1,2, and 3 bedroom units.
In 2012, Osceola County contracted with Transition House as part of NSP to provide twenty affordable multifamily rental units. Victory Village, a former 54 room motel, has been converted into one to three bedroom apartments; two units are fully handicap assessable. The rental rates offered at Victory Village, a Transition House development, are below the fair market rental rate for Osceola County. These units are available to eligible households with in- comes of 80% or below the area median income. Nineteen of the twenty families currently living at Victory Village have received rental deposit assistance through SHIP with twenty percent of the units at Victory Village occupied by families that have members with a disa- bility status. In addition, some of the rental clients received first month’s rent through the county administered Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and/or the Emergency Solutions Grant. Another partner, Habitat for Humanity for Osceola County has donated furniture to the assisted rental residents since many of them came from the motels and did not have furnishings of their own. Up to $1,500 of SHIP funding can be provided in rental deposit assistance to qualified families in the form of a grant. If a client assisted through SHIP decides to move out of the unit, Osceola County has an agreement with the developer and manager of the property, Transition House to have the unused portion of the rental deposit returned to the program. This will recycle SHIP funds and create a source of future funding to help future rental clients. The combination of services funded through several different grant programs along with the assistance of- fered through area partners like Habitat for Humanity for Osceola County has helped many at-risk families find af- fordable housing in Osceola County
107 Booth Lane
107 Booth Lane This property is a six unit Apartment Building in located in Osceola Counties area of need First ever in State of Florida HOPWA Bricks and Mortar Grant Developed in 2006 and has been continuously occupied since opening Mixture of two and three bedroom apartments Designed and managed as Permanent Supportive Housing Housed only by VLI/LMI occupants only Funded through HUD Grants for purchase and Rehabilitation Funded through Florida Community Loan Fund Energy Star and Green Certified This property was in danger of foreclosure
204 Majors Lane
204 Majors Lane Property was developed in 2010 Three two bedroom and one three bedroom Townhomes For female Veterans and their dependants who are VLI/LMI eligible Utilized funds received in Capital Grant from The Veterans Administration for purchase and rehabilitation Funded through Florida Community Loan Fund Energy Star and Green Certified Handicap Accessible Bank foreclosed property
820 Indiana Ave, 810 Ohio Ave, 815 Florida Ave St Cloud
820 Indiana Ave, 821 Ohio Ave, 815 Florida Ave St Cloud All three of these locations are four one bedroom apartment units for a total of 12 units Florida Ave is in the permitting stage with renovations to begin shortly HUD grants obtained on all three properties for acquisition and rehabilitation All three buildings were bank foreclosed properties All three buildings are funded through Florida Community Loan Fund Energy Star and Green Certified Many Occupants have HUD VASH Vouchers Long Term tenants in completed facilities All clients are part of our agencies permanent supportive housing and case managed by our in house HUD case managers
Additional Locations Image Circ. 2 bedroom condo. 5th Street 3 Bedroom house Kentucky Ave 2 Bedroom house Hideaway Bay 2 Bedroom condo 915 Sumter Street 4-2 bedroom apartments Fountainhead Cir 1 Bedroom condo Avon Blvd 2 bedroom Condo
History of properties All our permanent supportive housing was acquired in Osceola Counties designated areas of greatest need All our properties are set Aside for VLI/LMI occupants Residents in our properties are all case managed Most properties were in bank foreclosure at purchase time All properties needed major renovations done prior to occupancy and these renovations were completed within the guidelines and deadlines of the funders Team consists of players who are all community involved citizens Agency is well versed in HUD and Federal Housing Standards as well as State and Local requirements
Upcoming Projects 12th Street Will be furnished into 4-1 bedroom apartments Hickory Tree Rd Zoned for 16 units of condo space Will be developed into 1 and 2 bedroom condos