NDRF Implementation for 2013 Colorado Floods
2 What does the National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) do? Promotes the establishment of post-disaster organizations to more effectively manage and coordinate recovery operations Forges a common understanding across all levels of government Creates a scalable and flexible coordination structure to streamline and simplify assistance Brings all appropriate players to the table
Recovery Phases
Defines roles and responsibilities Promotes the establishment of post-disaster organizations to manage recovery Promotes a deliberate and transparent process that provides well-coordinated support to the Community Offers strong, focused recovery leadership at the State and Tribal level, supported by strong Federal recovery leadership The NDRF is NOT a Plan The Framework is a Scalable, Flexible Guide to Effective Recovery
Individual and Family Empowerment Leadership and Local Primacy Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Partnerships and Inclusiveness Public Information Unity of Effort Timeliness and Flexibility Resilience and Sustainability Psychological and Emotional Recovery Core Principles
Local Disaster Recovery Managers Tribal/State Disaster Recovery Coordinator Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator Key Concept #1: Leadership
Key Concept #2: Pre- & Post-Disaster Recovery Planning Stakeholders: Private Sector Nonprofit Local Government Individuals and Families State Tribal Federal
Community Planning and Capacity Building (DHS/FEMA) Economic (Commerce) Health and Social Services (HHS) Housing (HUD) Infrastructure Systems (USACE) Natural and Cultural Resources (DOI) Key Concept #3: Recovery Support Functions (RSFs)
NDRF Activated for Colorado President Obama Issued a Federal Disaster Declaration for the State of Colorado (DR-4145) on September 14, 2013 It was quickly determined by the FEMA Acting Regional Administrator that this disaster was going to be of such size and scale and may present significant recovery challenges, that he appointed a Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator on September 20, 2013 An Advance Evaluation Team was deployed at September 30, 2013
10 The Advance Evaluation Team Report The AET conducts a rapid initial assessment to be completed over a period of five to seven working days. Among issues identified by the AET: A number of incapacitated or significantly overwhelmed communities. Significant impacts to major employers (Lyons and Estes Park). Large number of households needing housing in a tight market. Considerable impact to facilities and major infrastructure (large number of roads heavily damaged or destroyed). Long-term impact to the environment (stream rechannelization and other issues).
Activated Recovery Support Functions COORDINATING AGENCIES Community Planning & Capacity Building (CPCB) Economic Housing Infrastructure Systems Natural & Cultural Resources 11
The mission of Community Planning & Capacity Building (CPCB) RSF is to support and build recovery capacities and community planning resources of local, State and Tribal governments needed to effectively plan for, manage and implement disaster recovery activities in large, unique or catastrophic incidents. RSF Missions The Economic RSF integrates the expertise of the Federal Government in order to help facilitate the efforts of local, State, Tribal, territorial, and insular area governments and the private sector to sustain and/or rebuild businesses and employment, and to develop economic opportunities that result in sustainable and economically resilient communities after significant natural and man-made disasters. The mission of the Housing RSF is to address pre- and post-disaster housing issues and coordinate the delivery of Federal resources and activities to assist local, State, Tribal, territorial, and insular area governments as they rehabilitate and reconstruct destroyed and damaged housing, when feasible, and develop new accessible, permanent housing options.. The mission of the Infrastructure Systems RSF is to match the capacity of all infrastructure systems to a community’s current and projected demand on its built and virtual environment. The mission of the Natural & Cultural Resources RSF is to integrate Federal assets and capabilities to help State and Tribal governments and communities address long-term environmental and cultural resource recovery needs after large-scale and catastrophic incidents. 12
13 NDRF Organization
The Mission Scoping Assessment 14 The MSA summarizes the key challenges and issues and is the first step in shaping the overall Recovery Support Strategy. (RSS). The purpose of the MSA is to: Assess recovery-related impacts in relation to existing capabilities at local, state, tribal, territorial, and insular area levels Identify which impacted jurisdictions will require enhanced Federal recovery support Identify gaps in resources which may or may not be filled by Federal support Determine the breadth of support needed from each RSF Identify issues and challenges.
15 The Recovery Support Strategy (RSS) takes a holistic approach to developing comprehensive strategies for each recovery issue, regardless of which RSF identified them. The RSS is the result of extensive coordination and interaction among Federal, State and local participants in task forces, working groups, conference calls, and meetings, to minimize duplication of effort and maximize resources for a successful recovery. The RSS is intended to be strategic, looking at the flood recovery process from a very high level. The RSS is not intended to be a tactical action or implementation plan, because ultimately recovery decisions will be up to the residents of Colorado and their State agencies. Recovery Support Strategy
What is our Role?
Recovery Capabilities Before The Flood Build on Existing Capabilities State Recovery Support Functions: Assistance for Individuals, Households and Small Business Behavioral Health Services Consumer Protection Damage Assessment Debris Management Donations Management Economic and Community Recovery Environmental Recovery Hazard Mitigation Historic and Cultural Resources Housing Infrastructure Systems Public Health Volunteer Coordination
Three Major Objectives: 1. Set Priorities 2. Deliver results with urgency 3. Build for the future
We organized a Cross-functional team to drive towards action, transparency, and results: - Governor’s Flood Working Group - Stream Recovery Steering Committee - Resiliency Working Group
The whole of State Government remains engaged – Recovery needs the capabilities and resources of a range of agencies
Partnerships with FEMA, HUD, USACE, EDA, USDA, other Federal agencies critical in the short and long-term Constant communication with local communities Keep the public informed and where feasible have committed to a robust public process – Coloradounited.com – CDBG-DR
Where Do We Go From Here? Colorado’s Long-Term Recovery Framework Resiliency - Risk Reduction - Economic Vitality - Support and Value Communities - Fair, Affordable, and Equitable Housing - Harmony Between Natural Systems and Built Environment - Access to Transportation Stream / Floodplains Stream Channels Housing and Infrastructure Wildlife/Riparian Habitat Economy Parks, Trails and Recreation Corridors Flood Maps Streambank Stabilization and Watershed Restoration Collaboration and Coordination – Watershed Coalitions Multi-Objective Approaches Land Use Housing Mobile Homes Single Family Homes Multi-Family Housing Residents - Owners & Renters Small Business Communities Affordable Housing Accessibility Range of Housing Options Sustainability/Energy Efficiency Transportation Choices Environment Water Quality Air Quality Natural Resources Environmentally Sensitive Areas Historically Significant Artifacts and Structures Preservation of Environment and Historically Significant Artifacts and Structures Environmental and Historic Preservation Reviews – Effectiveness, Efficiency and Coordination Community / Economic Individuals, Families and Small Businesses Economic Development and Tourism Community Services Local Budgets/Tax-base Physical Landscape of the Community Local/State Capacity to Manage Recovery Community Visioning and Planning Land Use Social and Economic Well-Being/Vitality Recovery Area Priorities : Impacts to: Infrastructure Transportation Water/Wastewater Energy Solid Waste Communications Public Facilities Ditch & Irrigation Infrastructure Restoration of Basic Services Long-Term Resiliency and Sustainability of Infrastructure Coordination with Stream/Floodplain Priorities Access to Homes and Businesses
Recovery Coordination Cell Functions as a fusion center for the continuum of the Colorado 2013 flooding recovery Integrates Recovery Support Functions and FEMA recovery programs Works collectively across appropriate programs and interagency entities to support the communities of focus and serve as the federal/state coordination entity to support all recovery efforts Operates by connecting working groups, including task forces and steering committees Deliverables include such projects as: Larimer County Roads and Bridges Assessment Soil Contamination Report Summary White Paper for the Stream Recovery Steering Committee Threat Assessment Summary Overview Diversion/Fish Passage Decision Tree
Watershed Approach to Recovery Organized into four individual structures to follow the major watershed areas from the 2013 Colorado flooding to discuss areas of highest impact: Cache La Poudre / Big Thompson Watersheds Arkansas Fountain Creek Watershed St. Vrain/Boulder Creek Watersheds Greater South Platte Watershed Recovery Coordination Cell Cache La Poudre / Big Thompson Watershed Arkansas Fountain Creek Watershed St. Vrain / Boulder Creek Watersheds Greater South Platte
Recovery Implementation Matrix Expedites coordination across all levels of Recovery Support Functions Provides a guide for developing a work plan to address recovery issues in a strategic manner o a management tracking tool involving recovery monitoring as well as resource management Provides a detailed roadmap for how issues will be approached and remediated o a timeline highlights the progress toward completion and identifies responsibility Uses MSA and RSS as a foundation to outline current issues on broad level with more specific sub issues Identifies goals, measurable objectives and strategies Outlines measurable objectives
Community Planning & Capacity Building The mission of Community Planning & Capacity Building (CPCB) RSF is to support and build recovery capacities and community planning resources of local, State and Tribal governments needed to effectively plan for, manage and implement disaster recovery activities in large, unique or catastrophic incidents.
Community Planning & Capacity Building The CPCB RSF implements the NDRF by providing a coordination forum to leverage partner capabilities to support local governments with their responsibility for implementing the broad national planning Core Capability. CPCB’s capability is expressed in four areas of focus: 1.Recovery Leadership—Build local leadership and primacy of local government (including ability to lead recovery planning, whole community engagement and management); 2.Recovery Planning Process—Develop strategic and executable approaches to meet defined objectives and develop and implement a planning process for recovery; 3.Whole Community Engagement and Communications—Engage the whole-community, as appropriate in planning; 4.Recovery Management—Develop and implement an approach, process, roles and operational structure for management of recovery and an approach for an executable recovery to meet defined objectives in expected timeframes.
Community Planning & Capacity Building Includes: Board of Assessment Appeals Division of Housing Division of Local Government Division of Property Taxation Provides: Financial Assistance Technical Assistance Data & Information
Community Planning & Capacity Building Worked with State CPCB RSF to provide: Federal partner convening and situation awareness MSA/RSS process and development partner Recovery Symposium and Peer to Peer Workshop Recovery Grant Management Workshop Community Planning Technical Assistance to Lyons, CO Community Planning Technical Assistance to Jamestown, CO Process coordination and facilitation with the CO Resiliency Working Group