Status Update Monday December 19, 2011
City is one of 17 nationwide receiving new HUD Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants The U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today announced that the San Antonio Housing Authority is among 17 communities nationwide that have been awarded planning grants through the Department's new Choice Neighborhoods Initiative. A consortium of San Antonio organizations, led by the San Antonio Housing Authority, (SAHA) will use its two-year $250,000 grant to help transform the Wheatley Courts area into a new viable and sustainable mixed-income neighborhood. Choice Neighborhoods Initiative
HUD’s new Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) promotes a comprehensive approach to transforming distressed areas of concentrated poverty by linking housing improvements with a wider variety of public services including schools, public transit and employment opportunities.
To have a thoughtful inclusive community building process that leads to a transformation strategy that ultimately results in a community of “choice”. A community enriched with quality housing, education, entertainment, employment, health and growth opportunities. A community whose assets are “owned” and “managed” by its residents long after Choice is gone.
Residents (CNI LOGO, PhotoVoice) Neighbors SAHA Staff Law Enforcement Business Community Faith Based Community
The Village
A Commitment to Community
Booker T Washington Christmas Pageant MLK Corridor Revitalization
Contact Us: Lorraine Robles–Asst. Director Arrie B. Porter- CNI Prog. Manager