Comm Svcs Dept Review COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT REVIEW
Comm Svcs Web Forum COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITISTAT WEB FORUM QUESTION
The Question COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Does the City of Buffalo have plans to start another CETA-type program to help disadvantaged citizens of Buffalo to find employment?” -- Mr. Roy Hennings of South Buffalo
Call resolution follow-up COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CALL RESOLUTION FOLLOW-UP
Summer Reading Challenge COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAYOR BROWN’S 2007 SUMMER READING CHALLENGE
Summer Reading Challenge map
Summer Reading Challenge chart COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Summer Reading Challenge 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 th ANNUAL SUMMER READING CHALLENGE The Summer Reading Challenge will be launched on April 16 thThe Summer Reading Challenge will be launched on April 16 th There will be a meeting with Summer School Principals to incorporate the Reading Challenge into their curriculumThere will be a meeting with Summer School Principals to incorporate the Reading Challenge into their curriculum Sponsors are currently being solicitedSponsors are currently being solicited
Summer Reading Challenge 2 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ READING CHALLENGE MARKETING INITITATIVE A joint letter from the Mayor and Superintendent will be sent on April 16 th to households of children attending Buffalo Public Schools. A mailing will also go out to parochial, private and charter schools, as well as churches.A joint letter from the Mayor and Superintendent will be sent on April 16 th to households of children attending Buffalo Public Schools. A mailing will also go out to parochial, private and charter schools, as well as churches. A joint press conference will be held by the Mayor and Superintendent in AprilA joint press conference will be held by the Mayor and Superintendent in April Television, radio, and print ads will be used to encourage enrollmentTelevision, radio, and print ads will be used to encourage enrollment The City’s website will host a page for SRC information and registration beginning in AprilThe City’s website will host a page for SRC information and registration beginning in April
Summer Internship Program COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SUMMER YOUTH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
2006 Summer Internship Holder COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STATISTICS FROM THE 2006 SUMMER YOUTH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
2006 Summer Internship Program COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2006 SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM All youth that took part were City of Buffalo residents and worked at 142 community based organizations, government offices and not-profit organizations throughout the City of BuffaloAll youth that took part were City of Buffalo residents and worked at 142 community based organizations, government offices and not-profit organizations throughout the City of Buffalo To qualify for TANF (State Funding) or WIA (Federal Funding), youth were between the ages of 14 – 21 and were from low income householdsTo qualify for TANF (State Funding) or WIA (Federal Funding), youth were between the ages of 14 – 21 and were from low income households Youth worked between 15 – 25 hours per week, 4 – 7 weeks (14 & 15 year olds worked 15 hours per week for 4 weeks)Youth worked between 15 – 25 hours per week, 4 – 7 weeks (14 & 15 year olds worked 15 hours per week for 4 weeks)
Participation for 2006 Summer Internship Program 1 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Participation for 2006 Summer Internship Program 2 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Participation for 2006 Summer Internship Program 3
Participation for 2006 Summer Internship Program 4 COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Summer Internship Opportunities COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Overview presentation COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATIONAL PROGRAMMING Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OVERVIEW PRESENTATION
Byron W. Brown, Mayor Tanya Perrin-Johnson, Commissioner Community Services and Recreational Programming
Office of Contract Compliance City of Buffalo -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wednesday, August 23, :55 PM To: Johnson,Tanya; Eve Jr, Arthur Subject: PICTURES Organize, print and share your digital photos. Click here to get the software. Click here to get the software. How to save a picture Simply right click on it and select "save image as." Mac users, click and drag the image to your desktop. Copyright © Eastman Kodak Company, 2006
Directory Purpose Division Overview Minority and Women Business Enterprise Notice to Proceed Collaboration Partnerships Office of Contract Compliance
Purpose Implement a systematic review of contractor performance in meeting required Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity mandates Federal, State, and City of Buffalo. Office of Contract Compliance
Division Overview Monitors the contracts that the city awards to: Individuals Established businesses Nonprofit organizations Professional services entities Number of Contracts (approximately): 110 Total Dollar Amount (approximately): $81,773, Office of Contract Compliance
Minority and Women Business Enterprise Provide technical assistance to contractors in developing policies and plans that recognize and utilize the laws and regulations of the federal and Section - 3 policies, in addition to the city’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise [M/WBE] goals of 25% and 5%, respectively. Office of Contract Compliance
Notice to Proceed Conduct Notice to Proceed conferences with all contractors. Compile and record data for monthly reports for the City of Buffalo and for other local, state, or federal agencies as they are required or requested. Office of Contract Compliance
Collaboration Collaborate with Living Wage Commission on implementation of strategies to ensure all departments of city government and outside entities awarded city contracts are in compliance with restrictions and guidelines detailed in the 2002 Living Wage Ordinance. Document and investigate all allegations of non- compliance with city’s goals and policies and forward all legitimate complaints to the proper authority and/or agency. Represent the City of Buffalo on the Joint City/County Minority and Women Business Certification venture. Office of Contract Compliance
Partnerships Buffalo Common Council Buffalo Corporation Council Buffalo Economic Renaissance Corporation [BERC] Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority [BMHA] Buffalo Urban League Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency [BURA] Office of the Comptroller, City of Buffalo Division for Substance Abuse Services The Living Wage Commission Department of Finance and Audit Department of Public Works Erie County Division of Equal Employment Opportunity [EEO] Joint Schools Construction Board [JSCB]/City of Buffalo Inclusion Committee New York State Department of Labor U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development [HUD] Buffalo Employment and Training Center Ellicott Development Corporation Office of Contract Compliance
Division of Workforce Employment and Training City of Buffalo