Earth Quake in Portland By Michael Zara
January b Two earthquakes with magnitudes of 5.3 & 5.5 struck the Portland area. b The epicenters were located on the sea floor b The quake did not cause a tsunami or tidal wave. b If these earthquakes had of occurred o land, they would have done considerable damage.
Epicenters for Quake b Along Blanco fracture zone (FZ) b Blanco FZ is located next to the Cascadia subduction system. b Past quakes on this zone have exceeded 9.0 on the Richter Magnitude (RM) scale b Quakes this big (>RM9.0) happen every 300 yrs, the last one being in the 1700’s.
Oregon State Department of Geology suggestions for dealing with earthquakes b Know how to protect your self by ducking under furniture or finding a safe area. b Prepare a 72 hr emergency kit. b Have a plan for communication with other family members if separated. b Know how to evacuate from coastal areas
Fig.4.03 W. W. Norton
Fig a W. W. Norton