Climate Prosperity Project National Leadership Meeting February 21, 2009
No. 1, “Sustainable City” SustainLane, 2007, 2008 No. 1, “America's 50 Greenest Cities" –Popular Science magazine (February 2008) Highest percentage of bicycle commuters ◦ 140 new miles in the 1990s ◦ 8x the national average at <$2 per capita in annual city investment The nation’s most extensive modern light rail and first modern streetcar system ◦ Stimulated over $3 billion in new investment along rail corridors since 1986 ◦ Transit ridership doubled since 1990 Among the best recycling rates in the 30 largest cities: 63% 50% of new commercial sq footage is LEED certified in 2007 No. 1, breweries per capita
Greenlight Greater Portland Metro Nike Portland Development Commission Portland + Oregon Sustainability Institute City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Erin Flynn Urban Development Director Portland Development Commission Gillian Floren Vice President, Marketing and Business Retention Greenlight Greater Portland Kate Willis Global Finance Nike Martin Tull Director of Sustainability, Formos Mike Hoglund Director, Research Center Metro Rob Bennett Executive Director Portland + Oregon Sustainability Institute Michael Armstrong Senior Sustainability Manager City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability AND MORE TO COME
A commitment to economic growth and job creation is needed to transform the economy. Commercialization and venture capital in clean tech and green building is limited. There is limited coordinated response to regional climate planning in Portland metro region.
80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050 (Portland) National model for sustainability and economic growth Full regional collaboration Maintain quality of life and vibrant central city
Largest solar cluster in America with an estimated capital investment over $1 billion Vestas North American Headquarters Soon to be top five state in the US in wind with more than 1,100 megawatts operating and 2,500 megawatts more approved or under review. Oregon requires renewable power for 10 percent of the state’s electric power by 2012 and 25% of its electricity load by PGE ranks first in the country in sales of green power options and PacifiCorp ranks fourth.
Skill development – all levels Business development and entrepreurship – Leadership on climate prosperity strategies over the long term Fragmented, but “bubbling” Need to inventory, map, connect the dots Need to focus on the “New Fundamentals” – leap frog Will be major transition requiring “head, heart, and hands” appeal to the grass roots “Green talent” means? K-12 Worksystems/RWIB Portland Community College System Oregon University System Oregon BEST Who’s involved?Where are we on this?
Metro convening local governments around climate change Major updates to City of Portland Climate Plan and Economic Development Strategy in development Greenlight Greater Portland and Portland Development Commission convening public and private sector around prosperity Last night at the bar was a key step in bringing these discussions together
The region has begun transition to a more dynamic economy by emphasizing green job creation along with quality of life Investments in transportation options, density, smart growth, energy efficiency, and sustainable practices position Portland to thrive in global economy Creative class higher than national average State and local policy leadership (e.g., RPS, BETC) Concentration of clean tech firms nearly double the national average Cost of doing business and living esp. compared to all CA metros
Assessment and inventory of existing initiatives and gaps Regional GHG inventory Assessment of sustainability metrics across metro area Development of governance structure and timeline Identify resource plan
Lack of coordination between local and state economic development and education Lack of a major research institution Lack of skilled workers and reliance on imported workforce Lack of venture capital Low wages Regional coordination limited to land use and transportation Lack of funding
Public benefit charges (energy) Tax increment financing Federal transportation dollars Stimulus: block grants, competitive grants, loans Local and state bonding State and federal tax credits General obligation and revenue bonds
City: Portland Plan, new climate- protection strategy, new economic development strategy Metro: Making the Greatest Place, Regional Innovation Forum, Achieve Green State: Oregon Business Summit
Coordinate and refine key strategies ◦Ex: Building retrofit fund loan guarantees Peer networks and shared learning Resource development: How do we pay for this? Governance models