Portland Library & Telecentre Adele Kenneally Chief Executive Officer
Where is it? Glenelg Shire Council Far south west Victoria 4 hours from Melbourne Population of 10,000
However……. Declining Population Aging - 20% over 60 by 2011 Unemployment Young people not completing year 12 Substance abuse Depleting fish stocks Pressure to re-skill and upgrade capacities to become globally competitive
Portland Library Glenelg Regional Library Corporation Stock - 20,000 5 Internet work stations Open 33 hours per week 2.11 EFT staff In under performing - decline in loans and usage
Reasons for decline: Hours of opening - not enough Location, signage and identification issues Unattractive library facade Not enough $$$ for resources Lack of staff IT skills and experience Poor quality speed and performance (IT) Lack of community space
Televillage Project “A televillage is a virtual community of people, firms, government, schools, libraries, health-care providers and others connected through a common vision and linked through telecommunications information resources and shared services” (Kentucky Science and Technology Council Inc.)
Portland Telecentre Outcome of community consultation Community hub consisting of; -Training rooms -Meeting facilities -Public gallery space -Public access to ICT equipment -Business Incubation space
Portland Library & Telecentre Living Libraries funding Library redevelopment to incorporate the Telecentre concept ‘ A state of the art facility providing a range of learning, teaching and recreating experiences around the themes of information technology and multi-media’ Building works completed in February 2004
New Facility Library New facade / entrance Public access area (10-12 workstations) Community Room Business Incubator offices Learning Laboratory (training room - 12 PCs) Public gallery space
Operational Issues Early days Telecentre not opening until end April 2004 Seamless delivery of services SA between Glenelg Council and GRLC $$$ for GRLC to open longer hours and manage the public access area
Challenges Name for facility Roles and responsibilities Policies - need to be co-ordinated Incomes - who keeps them? IT maintenance - whose responsibility? Marketing and promotion ‘Them and us’ - culture to be avoided The big question - sustainability…..