Primary Prevention - is directed at the general population with the goal of stopping neglect from occurring. - Gaps & Services/Programs to Address Gaps Prioritized GapsPrioritized Services/Programs to Address Gaps (1) Culturally sensitive family and school violence education (violence between & among kids) (1)After school education programs targeting family and school violence issues (2)Mediation and conflict resolution programs (3)Using puppets to reach kids – (K – 6 th grade) (2) School-based abuse and neglect prevention (1)School-based parent education (2)Educating kids on sexual abuse and domestic violence prevention (3)Target students (children), parents and teachers (4)Educational theatre (3) Culturally specific family enhancement/parent education and advocacy services (1)Parent Support, Parent Leadership and Parent Advocacy (2)Neighborhood Health Clinics – pre and postnatal healthcare (3)Parenting classes specific to: teens, children with special needs, children with mental health issues (4)Public relations campaign that emphasizes normalization of the need for services Attachment A to the Portland Children’s Investment Fund’s Request for Investment in Child Abuse Prevention/Intervention Services.
Secondary Prevention - targets families at high risk of neglect and alleviating conditions associated with the problem - Gaps & Services/Programs to Address Gaps Prioritized Gaps (1)Services for families experiencing Domestic Violence – other risk factors including drugs, alcohol, poverty & underserved populations (2)Aggressive outreach and services for students K – 9 th Grade identified with risk factors, such as school attendance issues (3)Coordinated Services for multi- stressed families: culturally and linguistically competent; long-term or appropriate time commitment with services; families with developmental disabilities (4)Services for families with adolescents including families with children with developmental disabilities Services to Fill Gaps Case management for multi-stressed (ex. mental health, substance abuse, poverty issues) families at- risk of abusing their children – including in-home counseling Teen (13 – 17 year old) parent programs focusing on 2 nd (+) births Short–term housing (shelter) for teen parents Non-residential programs for kids exposed to domestic violence Flexible funds for families to access services Parent Education & Mentoring Respite Care
Tertiary Prevention/Intervention - targets services to parents & their children to remedy the neglect and its consequences on the children, and prevent its recurrence. Prioritized GapsPrioritized Services/Programs to Address Gaps (1) Shortage of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (1) Drug and alcohol treatment for youth, particularly homeless youth; (2) Responsible adult connections including mentoring programs (3) Peer involvement & engagement as advocates for kids (4) Outpatient and day treatment – Individualized Placement & Support Model (IPS) (4) Family Involvement Teams (4) Inpatient Services linked to community resources (2) Inability to “follow along” kids as they leave a treatment program (1)Programs with (or models of) case management that cross over service systems –> follow the child (2)Create or strengthen multi-disciplinary teams & approaches (3)Reinforce stronger links between systems (3) – Tied for 3rd Difficult to get service access for adolescents Inadequate staffing of first responders Lack of coordination across agencies & programs (1)Enhance training of first responders in a more multi-disciplinary way (2)Create or strengthen multi-disciplinary teams & approaches (3)Reinforce stronger links between systems