Organizational Identity Bring Major League Baseball to Portland Involve the Community
Capital Factors Paul Allen Phil Knight, Nike Founder State of Oregon State Lottery revenue No new taxes
Why Portland Now? Largest growing areas in United States Only one professional franchise Population BOOM!!!
Sources of Income No other competition Ticket sales Vendors Clothing lines
SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Portland Oregon Baseball fans The state of Oregon will contribute $100 million Paul Allen Economic impact
Weaknesses Cash Balance Current stadium will require renovations. New stadium will not be completed for the first year the acquired team will play. PNB Inc. needs to purchase a professional baseball team.
Opportunities Vancouver area Portland currently ranks #1 for most favorable place to live. Portland is home to eight Fortune 500 companies.
Threats Seattle Mariners Portland Minor League Squads.
MARKETING MIX Product Price Place Promotion
Market Summary Summary…
Marketing Geographics Not exposed to Major League Baseball Need and Want in this region
Marketing Demographics Age Gender Family Life Cycle Income
Market Behavior Social Classes Lifestyles Personality Characteristics
Market Forecast
Market Growth
Market Needs Automatically fulfills need for baseball Clean, good, affordable entertainment Community needs
Market Trends Instant bandwagon Rising popularity
Market Analysis No other competition Try to avoid mass marketing Market to baseball fans in general
Marketing Communications Mix Advertising –PBN Advertising –Advertising through PBN Public Relations Sales Promotion
Implementation and Controls Controls Milestones Marketing Organization Contingences
Budget Analysis Funding Forecast Expense Forecast Break-even Analysis
Funding Forecast
Expense Forecast
Break-even Analysis Concludes: Yearly Units Break-even 29,346 Yearly Revenue Break-even $48,068,748
Sales Forecast Ticketing Merchandise sales Advertising Rights Stadium Operations
Merchandising Sales
Rights Television Radio Cable
Stadium Operations Concessions
Conclusion Paul is good. Paul has money. Paul likes baseball. We like baseball. We don’t have money. Therefore, we like Paul. Therefore, Portland Gets Baseball