DAC/DELAC Lisa Celaya Coordinadora Servicios Educativos Ana Martinez Coordinator Educational Services May 20, 2014
C ONSOLIDATED A PPLICATION (C ON A PP ) The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is used by the California Department of Education (CDE) to distribute categorical funds from various state and federal programs to county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools throughout California. Annually, in June, each local educational agency (LEA) submits the spring release of the application to document participation in these programs and provide assurances that the district will comply with the legal requirements of each program. Program entitlements are determined by formulas contained in the laws that created the programs. We use these Categorical Funds in South Bay to fund supplemental instructional resources and support, additional Impact Teachers, release time for Professional Learning Communities, and other interventions for students. Vote to Approve Application / voto para aprobar la solicitud
LCAP F INAL N OTES May 22 Initial Read / 22 de mayo repaso inicial June 12 Final (Approval by board) / 12 de junio final (aprobación de la mesa directiva)
N EW M ATH A DOPTION Math Units of Study – Curriculum / unidades de estudio de matemáticas – plan de estudios April 28 th K – 3 rd / May 2 nd 4 th – 8 th Resource / recursos: Attached is a list of possible websites they could use with parents. resources resources.html#sthash.X8kRONnk.dpbs
B OARD MEETINGS /A TTENDANCE Building Capacity / desarrollar la capacidad Leadership / liderazgo Script / resumen Board Meeting Dates / fechas More people attending DAC/DELAC / asistencia en DAC/DELAC
E LECCIONES DE ELAC Nominaciones Votación