Radiation Effects Committee Summary Report Marty Shaneyfelt, Chair REC 10 July 2014
How to handle the VAT has been a major challenge –Worked with IEEE Tax Management staff to develop procedures on how to handle the VAT, including understanding the IEEE report requirements –VAT / no VAT issue - misleading for French companies at the start Went smoothly when a dedicated on-line registration link was set-up –It is essential that the IEEE develop some detailed guidelines/procedures for handling finance and bank issues for international conferences Have received funds from 14 conference industry supporters Exhibit booth space sold out –51 exhibits spaces, 48 exhibitors (6 exhibitors on wait list) Of the 319 papers submitted for presentation, 200 papers were accepted (~66% accept rate) 2014 NSREC, July Conference Chair, Robert Ecoffet, CNES
Origin of Submitted Papers over the last five years
Origin of Accepted papers: 2014 versus Last Five years
2015 NSRECs Conference Chair, Mike Xapsos, NASA GSFC July Marriott, Copley Place, Boston IEEE NPSS approved the conference budget –Budgeting for 420 attendees for technical session and 328 for short course $50K Conference loan received Conference committee has been finalized; a list of session chairs has been approved Short course topics and speakers are being finalized Progress is being made on the social program
2016, 2017, and 2018 NSRECs Conference Chair, Robert Reed, Vanderbilt –DoubleTree (and Portland Convention Center) in Portland, OR –The conference committee is being finalized –Preliminary conference budget (based on 2015 NSREC budget) submitted for IEEE NPSS approval 2017 Conference Chair, Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois, ESA/ESTEC –Will be held at the Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, LA –The site was approved by the RESG in April Ron Lacoe, Aerospace Corp., has been selected as Conference Chair of the 2018 NSREC
PURPOSE To recognize individuals who have had a sustained history of outstanding and innovative technical and/or leadership contributions to the radiation effects community. AWARD Plaque and $3000 NOMINATION FORMS See IEEE/NPSS Radiation Effects Award 1988Edward Burke 1989S. Clay Rogers 1992Bobby Buchanan 1993William E. Price 1994Itsu Arimura 1995Joseph Pinel 1995Robert L. Gregory 1996Robert S. Caldwell 1997Robert E. McCoskey 1998Edward L. Petersen 1999James P. Raymond 2000E.G. Stassinopoulos 2001Andrew Holmes-Siedle 2002Kenneth F. Galloway 2003Klaus G. Kerris 2004James L. Ramsey 2005Jean Gasiot 2006Dennis Brown 2007Reno Harboe-Sorenson 2008Mayrant Simons 2009Nick van Vonno 2010Clive Dyer 2011Lew Cohn 2012David Alexander 2013Dale G. Platteter History of Rad-Effects Award
Janet Barth NASA Goddard (Retired) IEEE/NPSS Radiation Effects Award For contributions to understanding the space radiation environment and to the development of flight-qualified spacecraft systems.