Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration City of Vancouver City of Portland SW Washington Regional Transportation Council Metro C-TRAN.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration City of Vancouver City of Portland SW Washington Regional Transportation Council Metro C-TRAN TriMet A long-term, comprehensive solution 2011 Road Design Conference November 2, 2011 Casey Liles CRC Highway Engineering Manager

A corridor of the future 2 Critical link between Canada and Mexico Estimated $40 billion in freight crosses the bridge annually One-of-a-kind project

CRC project area 3


Seven closely spaced interchanges Standard Spacing:Desirable = 2 Miles Minimum = 1 Mile mi 0.5 mi 0.9 mi 0.6 mi 0.5 mi 0.8 mi

75% of southbound traffic to/from 7 interchanges 6 Source: CRC Traffic Technical Report, 2011

Vertical constraints 7

Number of crashes between High crash locations - Vancouver Crashes 3 to 4 times more likely when bridge lift occurs 400 crashes/year; expected to increase to 750 by 2030 Source: CRC Traffic Technical Report, 2011

High crash locations - Portland Number of crashes between Crash rates for 5-mile I-5 Bridge Influence Area twice as high as comparable inner-urban freeways Crash frequency highest in locations with non- standard features Source: CRC Traffic Technical Report, 2011

$40 billion in freight crosses bridge; $71 billion by % of traffic was freight in 2005 (11,000 trucks); 11% by % of freight trucks crossing bridge uses an interchange in project area Trucks traveling in project area are more likely to be involved in a crash Freight impaired by congestion 10

Existing bus service is subject to congestion Local bus service requires a transfer Bike and pedestrian path across bridge is substandard –Path is only 4 feet wide, next to freeway traffic –Discourages use Limited travel options 11

Aging bridges built in 1917 and 1958 Existing bridges do not meet current seismic safety standards Current wooden pilings do not reach solid rock Earthquake risk 12

Public process to develop solutions 2001 – 2002 I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership 2005 – member CRC Task Force 2008 – today Project Sponsors Council and citizen advisory groups More than 29,000 people engaged at over 950 events 13

Replacement I-5 bridge Improvements to closely-spaced highway interchanges Light rail extension to Vancouver Pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements Long-term, comprehensive solution to improve safety and reduce congestion 14

Increased safety and reduced congestion by replacing the I-5 bridge 15

16 Interchange improvements - WA

17 Interchange improvements-OR

Roadway improvements

Get people out of traffic Connection to more than 52 miles of rail network in the region Encourage up to 6 million transit boardings per year Increased safety and reduced congestion by extending light rail 19

Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration City of Vancouver City of Portland SW Washington Regional Transportation Council Metro C-TRAN TriMet Project Status Update

Researched in-water pile installation and noise reduction techniques Objectives: –Evaluated construction noise –Assessed techniques to reduce effects to fish and wildlife –Evaluated pile installation methods Results: –Affirmed noise and vibration modeling –Bubble curtains effective –Fewer pile strikes needed Test pile installation 21

National Marine Fisheries Service –Received January 2011 –Not likely to adversely effect:  salmon  steelhead  sturgeon  eulachon  sea lion  killer whale Biological Opinion 22

Result of IRP findings 16-members of national and international bridge expertise Panel recommended: –Discontinue work on previous bridge type –Suggest three bridge types for further consideration  All less costly and less risky Governors’ direct project to move forward with deck truss bridge type Bridge Review Panel 23

Review by Oregon State Treasurer Recommendations: –Bond yields should be based on low end of toll revenue range –Bond yields should not assume annual toll rate increases –Finance plan should employ:  Pre-completion tolls  USDOT TIFIA assistance Treasurer recommendations have been incorporated into FEIS State treasurer review 24

Review period, Sept. 23 – Oct. 24 –Issued on behalf of:  Federal Transit Administration, Federal Highway Administration –Signed by local project partners:  Metro, Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Commission, C-TRAN, Tri-Met –Record of Decision expected in December Final Environmental Impact Statement 25 Record of Decision allows the project to: –Complete design –Begin property acquisition in 2012 –Break ground in 2013

Project to start in 2012 Purpose: –Verify load carrying capacity of soil –Evaluate constructability 2 locations –1 in WA, 1 in OR Noise and vibration monitoring Drilled Shaft and Driven Pile program 26

Responsible for: –Advising CRC project director and staff –Representing stakeholder organizations –Communicating routinely with constituencies Composed of approximately 30 members –12-15 from each state –Terms of 1-2 years Meet as large group 1-2 times a year –Vancouver and Portland subcommittees will meet times a year Bi-State Citizen Advisory Committee 27

Project development schedule 28

Federal Transit Administration Federal Highway Administration City of Vancouver City of Portland SW Washington Regional Transportation Council Metro C-TRAN TriMet 700 Washington Street, Suite 300 Vancouver WA, Washington Oregon Toll-Free