GHD Water Systems Hydraulic Modelling Peter Brunt ph: 8687 8836
Key Personnel Mike Woods Peter Brunt Ramon Shinkfield Scott Nicholls Over 25 years experience Water Network Analysis Strategic Planning Peter Brunt 9 years experience Project manages water supply network capabilities Water model build, calibration, analysis, planning Ramon Shinkfield 9 years experience Water model build, calibration, analysis, planning Spatial Analysis & GIS Scott Nicholls 10 years experience Water & wastewater model build, calibration, analysis, planning Multiple packages; Info Works, H2OMap, SynerGee, EPANet
Key Personnel Jonathan Orr Don Sirikhant David Hyne Steven Fraraccio 10 years experience Water and wastewater network analysis Strategic planning Don Sirikhant 4 years experience Water & wastewater model build, calibration, analysis David Hyne 2 years experience Water model build, calibration & analysis Steven Fraraccio 3 years experience Water model build, calibration & analysis Surge Analysis
GHD Melbourne Experience Completed modelling projects: 39 clients – local, interstate international Predominantly regional water authorities Project experience includes Data monitoring planning and collection System data capture and model build Model calibration, validation, development forecasts, analysis, planning, PMZ, scenario management, etc. Surge/transient wave modelling Multiple model packaging experience H2OMap, WaterCAD, EPANet, InfoWorks etc etc.
Ballarat Water Supply Network Model (CHW) Purpose: Develop population forecasts Planning of pressure reduction works as part of an overall program to address unaccounted water Planning for population & demand growth System Complexities: Three sources of supply (variable WQ) Six main pressure zones plus sub-zones 18 No. PRV’s plus 2 No. PCV’s 22 No. storages and 8 No. pump sets The model was validated against SCADA. Ramon Shinkfield / Peter Brunt H2OMap
Township Development Plans (WW) Portland, Port Fairy, Hamilton & Heywood Purpose: Strategic and capital works planning Efficient servicing and operations System Complexities : No. pipes ranged from 300 to 2000 Calibrated to monitored flows & pressures One town under Stage 4 restrictions Three towns under PWSM Developed data monitoring and collection program Ramon Shinkfield / Peter Brunt H2OMap
Bendigo Augmentation Strategy (Coliban) Purpose: Determine most effective and efficient means of operating the system Develop future system improvement options: - 5 stages over 25 years System Complexities : Extension of the network to 5 satellite townships Pressure, security of supply, fire flow Water quality calibration & modelling Leakage reduction Develop strategy model user manual and training Antony Makin InfoWorks
WMP Hydraulic Design Review (Coliban) Purpose: Independent performance review of hydraulic design and as-built system Confirmation that agreed levels of service can be supplied System Complexities: WMP system ~10% of Victoria (2M Ha), 8000km pipeline, 53 pump stations, 71 storage facilities Review how models were used to size pipes and their ratings, and design pump stations & storages Identification of shortfalls, deferral opportunities with verified via systematic consultative process Improvement opportunities identified, e.g. security of supply, trigger points, modelling potential Antony Makin EPANet
Modelling Capability Statement Refer to hand-out