Ceramite The Wear Resistant Material Coal Fired Power Generation Applications
INTRODUCTION TO CERAMITE Elkem Fiskaa, today Elkem Fiskaa, 1969 Ceramite® is a technology developed by Elkem Materials during research and devlopment of Elkem Microsilica® 20 years of lab testing and coordinated industrial trials Today: Significant applications in several industries; primarily aluminium, cement and ferrous metals
Ceramite® Microsilicia® & Cement The Key to High Strength Bond Phase Microsilica - amorphous SiO2 fume, (D= 0.1 - 1 micron) Improves particle packing efficiency in castable - fills in voids between larger aggregates. Less water needed for casting. Dense castables with low porosity Extreme Wear Resistance Impervious to Gas and Chemicals
*A 7.1 cm cube sample is pressed with a 300 N force against a grinding wheel that is coated with a fine grade corundum sand. The sample is rotated 22 times (1 campaign) after which it is cleaned and weighed. The grinding machine is cleaned after each campaign and new media is distributed on the grinding wheel. The test requires 18 campaigns. The Bohme Test results are expressed as the volume of material lost from the specimen in cm3 from the surface area exposed to wear.
Ceramite in Power Applications Pulverizer Repair Coal Chute Repair Burner Vortex Repair Off Take Boiler Coal Chute Lining Fan Housing Cyclones Baghouse Systems
Power Industry-Pulverizer
Power Industry-Pulverizer
Previously used beaded epoxy Customer repairs every six months Pulverizer Previously used beaded epoxy Customer repairs every six months Ongoing project
Coal Chute Repair
Coal Chute Repair
Customer previously repaired ceramic tile with beaded epoxy Coal Chute Repair Customer previously repaired ceramic tile with beaded epoxy Would need repairs every 6 months Ongoing project since 2006
Burner/ Vortexer CERAMITE T
Customer uses Nitrite Bonded SiC tiles The Problem Customer uses Nitrite Bonded SiC tiles Tiles routinely crack and must be repaired every six months Ceramite Trowelable has been used as repair material for past 18 months Based on Ceramite performance, customer decided to trial complete vortex burner
Worn SiC Tile with Ceramite Patch
Welded Wire Mesh
Installing Overhead
Finished Installation
Summary Four hours required to weld in mesh Four hours to install Ceramite Installing SiC tiles requires 36 hours Customer intends to perform more complete installations during future outages
Off-Take Boiler Duct Ceramite T “1x1” mesh
Ceramite T 18 bags – 4 men - 2 hrs to INSTALL Ceramite T 18 bags – 4 men - 2 hrs to INSTALL! Expected Service Life 6 months or more Ceramite T
Coal Chute Lining
Coal Chute Lining
Customer previously used ceramic tile Coal Chute Lining Customer previously used ceramic tile Tile would fail due to impact/cracking Ceramite in service since July 2006 22,000 tons of coal per day
Fan Housing Repair
Fan Housing
Coal Classifier – 2 Years Later
Baghouse Duct
Less Surface Preparation Easily Mixed and Installed Safety Why Ceramite? Monolithic Lining Less Surface Preparation Easily Mixed and Installed Safety Ceramite has out performed all other wear materials