5E’s In Action Hightower High School Week of Aug 30, 2010 Chemistry I Advanced (ADV) Chemistry I Honors/GT (HGT)
Ad/HGT: 30 Aug 2010, B-Day The student chemists will … OBJECTIVE: 1. set-up their accounts in gizmo, gaggle, and calm; and 2. answer the assessment questions assigned in calm. ENGAGE: view the CALM introduction video. EXPLORE: N/A EXPLAIN: demonstrate the use of CALM. EXTEND: N/A EVALUATE: 1. Take the safety test. 2. Answer the assigned questions in CALM. HOMEWORK: 1.Finish the Week 1A&B CALM questions. (Due: 1 Sep) 2.Start answering the Week 2A CALM questions. (Due: 8 Sep) 3.Reminder: Research on the steps of the scientific method. Create a flow diagram/chart that represents the process. (Due: 1 Sep) 4.Compare and contrast the following (using a Venn Diagram): problem vs objective guess vs hypothesis data vs result graph vs chart summary vs conclusion (Due: 1 Sep) Safety / Scientific Investigation
Ad/HGT: 31 Aug 2010, A-Day The student chemists will … OBJECTIVE: 1. identify the various safety symbols; and 2. formulate a hypothesis. ENGAGE: participate in the chemical demonstration. EXPLORE: N/A EXPLAIN: discuss the scientific method and safety symbols EXTEND: N/A EVALUATE: 1. Take the safety test. 2. Take the quiz on safety symbols. HOMEWORK: 1.Finish the Week 1A&B CALM questions. (Due: 1 Sep) 2.Start answering the Week 2A CALM questions. (Due: 8 Sep) 3.Prepare for a lab next class, Sep 2. Safety / Scientific Investigation
Ad/HGT: 1 Sep 2010, B-Day The student chemists will … OBJECTIVE: 1. identify the various safety symbols; and 2. formulate a hypothesis. ENGAGE: participate in the chemical demonstration. EXPLORE: N/A EXPLAIN: discuss the scientific method and safety symbols EXTEND: N/A EVALUATE: 1. Take the quiz on safety symbols. HOMEWORK: 1.Start answering the Week 2A CALM questions. (Due: 8 Sep) 2.Prepare for a lab next class, Sep 3. Safety / Scientific Investigation
Ad/HGT: 2 Sep 2010, A-Day The student chemists will … OBJECTIVE: 1. identify the various safety symbols; and 2. accomplish the Lab Techniques and Bunsen Burner Labs. ENGAGE: participate in the chemical symbols sorting activity. EXPLORE: perform the Lab Techniques/Lab Safety and Bunsen Burner Labs. EXPLAIN: N/A EXTEND: N/A EVALUATE: 1. Take the quiz on safety symbols; and 2. Accomplish the Lab Write-Ups for the 2 labs performed. HOMEWORK: 1.Continue answering the Week 2A CALM questions. (Due: 8 Sep) 2.Compare and contrast Accuracy vs Precision. (Due: Sep 7) 3.Define Significant Figure. List the rules on counting significant figures. (Due: Sep 7) 4.Define Scientific Notation. List the steps in converting a number to Scientific Notation. (Due: Sep 7) Safety Symbols/Lab Techniques
Ad/HGT: 3 Sep 2010, B-Day The student chemists will … OBJECTIVE: 1. identify the various safety symbols; and 2. accomplish the Lab Techniques and Bunsen Burner Labs. ENGAGE: participate in the chemical symbols sorting activity. EXPLORE: perform the Lab Techniques/Lab Safety and Bunsen Burner Labs. EXPLAIN: N/A EXTEND: N/A EVALUATE: 1. Take the quiz on safety symbols; and 2. Accomplish the Lab Write-Ups for the 2 labs performed. HOMEWORK: 1.Continue answering the Week 2A CALM questions. (Due: 8 Sep) 2.Compare and contrast Accuracy vs Precision. (Due: Sep 8) 3.Define Significant Figure. List the rules on counting significant figures. (Due: Sep 8) 4.Define Scientific Notation. List the steps in converting a number to Scientific Notation. (Due: Sep 8) Safety Symbols/Lab Techniques