Monday, Aug. 26 th : “A” Day Tuesday, Aug. 27 th : “B” Day Agenda  Collect safety agreements/pass back safety tests  Consequence Report/Lab equipment.


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Presentation transcript:

Monday, Aug. 26 th : “A” Day Tuesday, Aug. 27 th : “B” Day Agenda  Collect safety agreements/pass back safety tests  Consequence Report/Lab equipment handout  Lab write-up format/evaluation rubric  Lab handout/discussion/write-up  Safety project work time - due NEXT class period!  We will be in the lab NEXT class period – be sure to dress appropriately… NO FLIP-FLOPS!!! Get SSA signed and turned in or you won’t be allowed in lab!

Lab Consequence Report  As chemistry students, you must know that absolutely no unsafe activity will be tolerated in the lab!  If you are asked to leave the lab, you will be required to complete a lab consequence report before being allowed back into the lab.  You will receive a zero on the lab.  Your parents/guardians will be notified.

Lab Folders  All lab write-ups and handouts will be kept in a separate, folder.  The folder will begin with a table of contents that’s updated as new labs are added.  Lab procedures will be passed out before the lab so that you will have time to complete the lab write-up prior to conducting the lab.  All labs will be graded according to a rubric.

Lab Equipment Handout  Become familiar with the common lab equipment on this page.  Keep this page on the left side of your yellow lab folder for future reference.

Lab Write-Up Format and Evaluation Rubric  All lab write-ups need to follow the correct format.  All conclusion questions need to be answered using COMPLETE SENTENCES!  Keep these on the left side of your yellow lab folder for future reference.

Your 1 st lab partner will be……  Get together with your 8:00 partner right now.

Lab: “Lab Techniques”  Get out some blank paper. We’re going to do your 1 st lab write-up!

Table of Contents  Write “Table of Contents” at the top of a blank piece of paper.  Make 2 columns: Title of Lab and Lab Number  Write the lab name and number of lab.  The table of contents page is always the first page on the right-hand side of your lab folder. Title of LabLab Number Lab Techniques1

Lab Write-Up Title-Purpose-Hypothesis-Materials- Procedure-Reflection Statement  Since this is your first lab write-up, we’ll do it together as a class…  Everything you need to write will be in BLUE

Title  This is the easiest section of the whole lab write-up.  Simply write the title of the lab at the top of a blank piece of paper. “Lab Techniques”

Purpose  What is the purpose of this lab?  What are you trying to learn or figure out?  This information is typically found in the opening paragraphs of the lab handout. Purpose The purpose of this lab is to learn how to use a bunsen burner, how to handle solids and liquids, how to use a balance, and how to practice basic safety techniques in lab work.

Hypothesis  With your lab partner, discuss what you think the outcome of the lab will be.  What do you think will happen? Hypothesis After completing this lab, I will know how to work safely in a chemical laboratory.

Materials  The materials section is simply a list of the materials that are needed to conduct the lab. Materials -Balance-100 mL grad cylinder -250 mL beaker (2)-Wire gauze -Bunsen burner/striker-NaCl (sodium chloride) -Copper wire-Spatula -Crucible tongs-Test Tube & rack -Evaporating dish-Weighing paper -Water squirt bottle-Test tube holder

Procedure  This is the section of the lab write-up that will take up most of your time.  You need to list step-by-step instructions on how to conduct the lab.  The first step should ALWAYS BE safety equipment.  The last step should ALWAYS BE clean up and wash hands.  You CAN use pictures or sketches.  You CAN simply use bullet points.  Summarize – DON’T just re-write everything from the lab handout.

Procedure 1.Safety glasses/apron/hair 2.Location of safety equipment/Table 1 3.Gas valves off? 4.Compare bunsen burner w/picture 5.Partly close air ports, gas on, light burner w/striker. Adjust gas valve/flame 8 cm above barrel. Adjust/flame/steady, quiet, w/light- blue inner cone.

Procedure, continued 6.Crucible tongs/10 cm copper wire in flame (see pic) 2-3 sec/3 different spots. Observations/Table 1 7.Completely close air ports/observe/record color of flame/sound. Crucible tongs/evap. dish tip of flame 3 min. Cool on wire gauze, burner off. When cool, look at dish/record observations/Table 1 8.Balance = zero.

Procedure, continued 9.Mass weigh paper/nearest.01g/Table 2. NaCl on separate piece/transfer 13 g NaCl to paper on balance. Exact mass/Table Transfer NaCl on paper test tube (see pic) 11. Mass 250 mL beaker/Table 3. Water to 50 mL mark, mass/Table 3. Repeat with 100 mL and 150 mL/record mass each time. Mass of water only = mass of water + beaker —mass of empty beaker

Procedure, continued 12. Repeat step 11 w/dry 250 mL beaker. Use grad. cylinder for water. Bottom of meniscus/record nearest 0.1 mL/Table Clean equipment, put back, gas valves off, clean tables, WASH HANDS.

Reflection Statement  The reflection statement is written AFTER you complete the lab.  In this short paragraph, the following questions need to be addressed: 1.Was your hypothesis correct? 2.What were the primary sources of error in this experiment? 3.How could these sources of errors be minimized in future trials?  For now, just write: Reflection Statement

Procedure, continued That’s it!  Staple your lab write-up to the front of your lab handout and put it in your lab folder behind the table of contents.

Safety Project Work Time  Be sure to use whatever class time we have left wisely…  Remember, the safety projects are DUE NEXT CLASS PERIOD! NEXT TIME:  Lab next class period – be sure to dress appropriately…NO FLIP-FLOPS!  No signed safety agreement = no lab!