A science apron science goggles Gauze heat proof matt tripod beaker Bunsen burner
Gauze mat for an object to go on Science goggles Science apron to protect your self from spills tripod to go on top of the Bunsen burner Heat proof Mat to protect the table Beakers for any liquids to do experiments
To set up the experiment you need to start by getting out all the equipment you will need a gauze, tripod, heat proof mat, Bunsen burner, beaker, science goggles, science apron. Get the tripod and put it above the Bunsen burner make sure the Bunsen burner is on the heat mat then put the gauze mat on top of the tripod and put the beaker on to the gauze. If you rush while you are doing this you will end up hurting yourself.
To attach the Bunsen burner to the gas tap you need to get the black tubes and push them tight to the gas tap to secure it. Once you have done that you will need to flick a little yellow switch up and turn it to the right. To light a Bunsen burner you need to get a match or something like that and make sure the little hole at the bottom is open then you will be able to see the flam, light the match hold it over the top of the Bunsen burner in till you see a flam.