New Paradigm Shift from Climate Change Mitigation 1 The Industrial Environment Institute The Federation of Thai Industries
Climate Change Situation in Thailand 1. Major GHG Emission come from energy sector (69%) 2. NAMAs was pledged in COP 20 at 7%-20% reduction 3. Energy reform in 2015 : Remove subsidization on Fuel oil/gas 4. Oil price in down trend 5. The climate change alert is in low level
Trend of change Energy supply sector : Will shift to 1.Renewable energy : Biomass, Bio gas, wind,Solar Energy, etc 2.Bio energy with CCS (Carbon Capture and Sequestration) 3.Waste to value Industry sector : Will shift to 1.High efficiency & energy saving equipment : Compressor, pump etc. 2.Heating /cooling system integration 3.High performance furnace : High efficiency burner, furnace wall coating
Trend of change Building: Will shift to 1.New building : Low energy building (code & standard) 2.Existing building : Retrofits Transportation: Will shift to 1.Low carbon vehicle : Hybrid, H2 fuel cell, electric,etc 2.Low carbon fuel : Bio diesel, Gasohol, NGV, etc 3.Rail transportation
Business Opportunity 1. Low carbon technology 2. Energy saving equipment supply 3. Investment in manufacturing energy saving product 4. Plantation for energy 5. Energy Solution Service : Energy Survey, Pinch survey, etc. 6. Other service : Measurement, Reporting and Verification,consultant for market mechanism, green label, etc.
Opportunity for Collaboration Area of interest 1.Waste to energy 2.Low carbon technology 3.Capacity building 4.Investment or joint investment in low carbon business Support Climate Change Mechanism JCM -Joint Credit Mechanism CDM-Clean Development Mechanism T-VETS-Thailand Voluntary Emission Trading Scheme T-VER- Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program Carbon offsetting etc