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Introduction Start Up: 1977 Shut Down:2002 Capacity:225 Metric Tons Per Day Technology: Chemico Documentation: Available
Overview The process begins with compressed air at 135 psig and at 540° F. The air is mixed with superheated ammonia and flows through the Burner where the ammonia is catalytically (platinum catalyst) oxidized to produce Nitrogen Oxides. The process gas leaves the ammonia burner at about 1650 ° F and passes in succession through the expander turbine re-heater, the waste heat boiler, platinum filter, tail gas heater, boiler feed water pre-heater, process gas cooler and ultimately the cooler condenser prior to enter the absorption column. In the absorption column the Nitrogen Oxides react with process condensate produce Nitric Acid. The tail gas which is mainly Nitrogen exits the top of the absorber, passes through a series of exchangers before reaching the expander gas the required power to run the air compressor. Note: A second absorption column was added at down stream of original absorption column to mitigate the NOx emission to the atmosphere. After this improvement the NOx content of the tail gas dropped to 200 ppm plus/minus. turbine for power recovery prior to be realized to the atmosphere. The gas expander/ recovery turbine at normal operation provides about 80% of
Detailed Report Utility & Unit Consumption Ammonia 0.28 ton/ton product Electricity (480V / 3 Ph / 60 Hz) 88 KW/ton product Boiler feed water at 280° F 22,500 lbs/hr / 44.5 GPM Cooling water at 80° F 5880 GPM circulation Steam export (250 psig saturated) 500 lbs/hr Steam consumed 1900 lbs/ton acid produced Catalyst / net burnt less than Troy oz
Detailed Report Raw Materials Ammonia 5822 lbs/hr Air SCFM (DAY) Boiler Feed Water 10,270 lbs/hr / 21 GPM Products Produced 225 MTPD (100% Base) of 56% concentration
Major Components Air Compressor 4 stage Ingersoll Rand compressor with steam turbine drive Model and Size: CVM MTA-4EX-IC Gas Handles Air Intake Volume 26,700 ACFM Intake Pressure 14.5 psia Intake Temperature 90° F Relative Humidity 100% Discharge Pressure 135 psia Discharge Temperature 450° F Operating Speed 10,550 RPM
Major Components Expander Turbine Ingersoll-Rand, multistage, reaction type, single flow Gas Handled Basically Nitrogen Intake Flow 84,000 lbs/hr Inlet pressure 105 psia Inlet Temperature 1100° F Exhaust Pressure 10.9 psia Exhaust Temperature 562° F Operating RPM 10,920
Major Components Steam Turbine Terry turbine, total condensation Steam 250 psig saturated Steam Flow 17,550 lbs Condensate Produced 10,270 lbs/hr Operating RPM 3,034
Contact Information MICHAEL JOACHIM VP GLOBAL PLANT SALES Tele: (direct) Mobile: