DIGITAL STORYTELLING video Music Text Pictures Recorded Audio Graphics
What is digital storytelling? Digital Storytelling is the “modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Storytelling has been used throughout history to share knowledge, wisdom, and values. Stories have been adapted to each successive medium that has emerged, from the circle of the campfire to the silver screen, and now the computer screen.” The Digital Storytelling Association -The Digital Storytelling Association
Educational Objectives of Digital Storytelling Create a digital story for use as an anticipatory set or hook for a lesson. Enhance current lesson plans with the use of a digital story within a unit. Assign student-created stories which requires students to research a topic from a particular point of view.
Educational Goals of Digital Storytelling For Teachers: Appeal to the diverse learning styles of the students by using Digital Storytelling as a presentation media. Generate interest, attention and motivation for the "digital generation" kids in our classrooms. Capitalize on the creative talents of your own students as they begin to research and tell stories of their own. Publish student work on the Internet for viewing and critiquing by others.
Educational Goals of Digital Storytelling For Students: Learn to use the Internet to research rich, deep content while analyzing and synthesizing a wide range of content. Develop communications skills by learning to ask questions, express opinions, construct narratives and write for an audience. Increase computer skills using software that combines a variety of multimedia including: text, still images, audio, video and web publishing.
Suggestions for Digital Storytelling Personal Narratives Research of Historical Events Interview Story Retelling Original Story
TECHNOLOGY TOOLS Computer Camera/Camcorder Microphone DVD Burner Video Software Windows Movie Maker Apple IMovie Microsoft Photo Story 3 Audio Software Audacity Microsoft Sound Recorder Software Players Windows Media Itunes Quick Time Adobe Flash
Pictures Narration Photos Sound Effects Documents Web Sites Music Charts Maps
RESOURCES Kitzu Digital Kits for Educators: A collection of free, educational, copyright- friendly media resources to use in the classroom. Kits are listed by grade level and have pictures and lesson ideas. They are in a zip file and can be extracted to your computer.
KIT CONTENTS Provides the building blocks to create multimedia projects A kit may contain: Illustrations Photos Animations Video Clips Audio Clips Document
ALWAYS BEGIN WITH A STORYBOARD Storyboards are visual representations that aid in the creation process of digital storytelling. The layout images are sequential in order to create the flow of the production. A storyboard should contain: 1.Narration or Script 2.Text or titles that appear on images 3.Images (be sure to add the Source so you can build your credits later)
University of Houston, The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Storyboard Templates and Tutorials A PDF file that displays a vertical blank storyboard. A great handout! A collection of various resources for digital storytelling and storyboards. A tutorial on how to create a storyboard using Word
WEBSITES WITH EXAMPLE MOVIES TO VIEW FOR SOME IDEAS Samples of Windows Movie Maker Projects on Teacher Tube Florida Sample Creative Narrations Movie Maker Ideas, Examples and More Examples of Digital Stories PBS Videos Tech Teachers Digital Storytelling - click Examples Digitstories Lessons Ideas Student Examples Digital Family Story Center Digital Storytelling - eportfolioSamples of Windows Movie Maker Projects on Teacher TubeFlorida Sample Creative Narrations Movie Maker Ideas, Examples and More Examples of Digital Stories PBS Videos Tech Teachers Digital Storytelling - click Examples Digitstories Lessons Ideas Student Examples Digital Family Story Center Digital Storytelling - eportfolio