Magnetic Suspension Balance - Layout Magnetic system Δζ zp Measuring load decoupling Sample Zero-point position Δζ mp Measuring-point position Sensor core Electromagnet Permanent magnet
Magnetic Suspension Balance Position trasducer PID controller Set-point controller Control system PID Modulates voltage on electromagnet to held the suspension magnet in vertical position Position control system
Magnetic Suspension Balance Cascade control Set point Sample temperature Set point resistance Thermocouple value Resistance value Temperature control system High temperature control: Up to 500 °C
Magnetic Suspension BalanceTemperature control system Low temperature control: Below Room temperature Up to 100°C Jacket
Sorption equipment Vacuum pump burner Gas chromatograph 8 Thermocouple 9 Pressure transducer ( 150 bar) 10 Pressure transducer ( 1000 mbar) Gas inlet : H 2 CO N 2
Example of Sorption Isotherm PDMS-CO 2 at 35°C Legend: Exp. Data Fick law Kinetics of Sorption Sorption Isotherm
Other applications: Thermogravimetric analysis of polymers Desorption 30°C Heating up to 120°C Legend: Study of water loss during the heating of Hyflon-Ion in hydrated state molH 2 O/molSO 3 H Weigth loss (%) Time (h) Temperature (°C) Membrane fully hydrated 30°C Evacuation at 30°C Heating Evacuation at 120°C