Review of present tense stem changing verbs and
VerbStem Traer (to bring)Traj- Decir (to say,to tell)Dij- Estar (to be)Estuv- Poder(to be able to)Pud- Poner ( to put or to place)Pus- Querer(to want,to love)Quis- Saber (to know)Sup- Tener ( to have)Tuv- Andar(to walk)Anduv- Venir ( to come)Vin- For these verbs use: -e -imos -iste -isteis -o -ieron or -eron Verbs with stems that end in “j” drop the “I”and add –eron to the ellos,ellas,ustedes ending. Other verbs that do this are: conducir(to drive) producir (to produce) traducir (to translate) for example: decir + dij+ ieron Dijeron Traer>trajeron Drop this “i” For example: Trajeron un cuaderno para tomar apuntes. ( they brought a notebook to take notes)
IyorecomiendorecomendamosNos(as)we youtúrecomiendasrecomendaisVos(as)You-spain He,she,It,you- formal El,ella,u sted recomiendarecomiendanEllos,ell as,uds. They(m+f) you‘all Present tense stem changing verbs e>i and o>ue Recomendar(to recommend) e>ie present tense. Mostrar(to show) will stem change from o>ue in the boot. Competir(to compete) pedir(to ask for) repetir( to repeat) servir ( to serve) are all e>i verb stem changers in present tense. Pedro says: Sirven un delicioso postre de uvas y melón. ( they serve a delicious grape and melon dessert.) Jugar(to play) will stem change from u>ue in present tense. juegojugamos juegasjugáis juegajuegan sirvoservimos sirvesservís sirvesirven Jugar (to play) Servir ( to serve)