Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely SMART Goals Are:
Is this goal Relevant? No Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica. Pick one
Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica. Your choice is could be correct. Click here to return to home page. It sounds like a very interesting book and possibly a worthy personal goal. But, If you just started an advertising agency and most of your time is spent building your clientele, then this goal may not be relevant to your current mission. It may have to go on the back- burner for awhile.
Try this SMART Goal: Gain 2 clients each quarter for my advertising agency by networking with existing clientele. Now it needs something that qualifies “better.” Something that is attainable. Let’s get SMART. Click here to return to home page. Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica.
Click here to return to home page. Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica. Whenever you set goals, remember SMART Goals are realistic. Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have? What measure or area do you desire to see impacted? Will this objective lead to the desired results?
Now it needs something that qualifies “better.” You are correct. Click here to return to home page. Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica. It sounds like a very interesting book and possibly a worthy personal goal. But, If you just started an advertising agency and most of your time is spent building your clientele, then this goal may not be relevant to your current mission. It may have to go on the back- burner for awhile.
However you may want to consider time lost to this project. You are partially correct. Click here to return to home page. Write a fiction novel about my experience helping build houses in Costa Rica..