Reef Controllers Oh, the things you can do!
What is a controller? Monitors parameters and hardware in your aquarium Controls equipment in different ways Helps manage power outages Alerts when things go wrong Usually seen as a “luxury” item, but it is a necessity!
Types Simple outlet timer Ranco heater controller Chiller dual controller Reef LED lights Neptune Apex o Digital Aquatics Reefkeeper o Reef Angel o
Neptune Apex 3 different models of Apex controller o Apex Jr. o Apex Lite o Apex Limited features of lower 2 models o Choose the one that best fits your needs o If you’re not going to control anything with the VDM ports then don’t spend the extra money on them o You can always buy the modules later to increase capability mparison_neptune_apex_v2014feb.pdf
Controller Components Base Unit (ie. the brain) o This is where most items will be plugged in o pH probes, network cable, vdm cables, temp probe, I/O switches Energy Bar (EB4 or EB8) Energy Bar o Smart power strip o Connect items here to turn on/off with your controller o Each outlet is numbered. You will need to know this number when programming Display o Used to quickly check the status of your aquarium and do other basic controls o Reset controller o Calibrate pH probe
Setting Up Connect to network router Plug in energy bar Connect main module to energy bar Turn on connection to home network Update firmware (if necessary) Create Fusion account and connect Apex Connect other modules Calibrate pH probe Apex Fusion Demo
What can you do? Temperature controller o Turn on the heater when the tank reaches 78 and turn off when it is 79 o Turn on fans when temp is 80 and turn off at 79 Turn on/off lights o Turn on at 10am, turn off at 8pm /Text message notifications o Notify me when the temp is over 82 o Notify me when the power goes out and comes back on Lunar Cycles o The LSM module can be used to mimic the lunar cycles o New moon and full moon settings are defined in the “classic” web interface
Programming Outlet o A power outlet on an energy bar o A variable speed outlet (VDM) to control DC pumps or lights o Outlets can be used to program other outlets If the lights are off, dose alkalinity Profiles o A pre-defined setting for pumps or lights Ramp up the lights over 2 hours Pulse a pump every 10 seconds o Profiles can be used when programming an outlet to change how the outlet functions throughout the day For most of the day pulse the pump from 50 to 75 every 10 seconds But for 5 minutes each day pulse from 75 to 100 every second o The same profile can be used with multiple outlets Standardizes programming. Change settings in one place and it is affected everywhere
Programming Virtual Outlet o A “fake” energy bar that can be used to help control other outlets One outlet can control if a water change is in progress Set the “fake” outlet to ON and the skimmer, heater, and fans can turn off
What else can you do? Auto water changes Calcium reactor control o Requires 2 pH probes RO/DI Control o Autoflush the membrane each month o Auto fill your container o Flush the membrane for 10 minutes before filling up your container Power outage control o When the power goes out, turn off the lights, lower the speed of the pumps to conserve backup battery
References Getting Started Guide Apex User Manual All Apex Documentation Apex User Forum