State of Safety Breakfast 2013/14 24 November 2014 Dr Cornel Malan RSR Head : Research
State of Safety Report 2013/14 The RSR annual State of Safety Report information is collected from all operators and classified in accordance with the South African National Standard, SANS : The SANS occurrence data is classified into two broad areas: Operational Occurrences Security- Related Incidents The RSR is mandated to play a primary role in addressing Operational Occurrences The RSR plays a supportive and advocacy role in addressing Security Related Incidents. The South African Police Services, in particular the Railway Police (SARPS) is the primary partner in this regard.
Operational Occurrences 2013/14 7% Increase from previous reporting period Top 5 Occurrence Categories as % of Total Number: Category A: Collisions during movement of rolling stock (21%) Category B: Derailments during movement of rolling stock (16%) Category E: People struck by trains during movement of rolling stock (13%) Category H: People related occurrences: platform- train interchange (16%) Category L : Fires (12%)
Operational Occurrences Fatalities / Injuries
All Operators - Derailments on a Running Line
People Struck by Trains 588 occurrences or 13 % were occurrences during which persons were struck during movement of rolling stock (other than at level crossings) This indicates a 2% increase from 576 occurrences recorded during the 2012/13 reporting period
Level Crossings
Platform-Train Interface Occurances 16% on the total number of operational occurrences 7 fatalities and 689 injuries Focusing on South Africa alone, the following deductions could be made: Passenger characteristics are a more frequent contributor to PTIs than the physical characteristics of the train and reducing platform. Overcrowding main contributing factor Irregular trains add to challenges External factors such as cable theft, power outage etc. has further negative impact
Cost of Occurrences / Incidents 5% Increase in TFR direct railway costs of occurrences and security-related incidents 22% Decrease in PRASA Rail direct railway costs of occurrences and security-related incidents
Security Incidents 13% Increase from previous reporting period Top 5 Security Incident Categories as % of Total Number: Category 1 : Theft of assets impacting on operational safety (65%) Category 2 : Malicious damage (vandalism) to property impacting on operational safety (22%) Category 7 : Personal safety on trains (6%) Category 8 : Personal safety at stations (5%) Category 9 : Personal safety outside station platform area (in section between stations, including yards, sidings and depots) (1%)
Security Incidents Fatalities / Injuries
RSR Mandate and Interventions Collecting and disseminating of railway safety information Ensuring that operators remain responsible for managing the safety of their operations; Conducting audits, inspections and occurrence investigations; Concluding appropriate co-operative agreements or other arrangements with organs of state; Developing, adopting or accepting standards for safe railway operations; Issuing safety permits to ensure that the operator have a safety management system in place; Reviews of new works and technologies to ensure safety compliance Collaborating with the view to furthering the objects of the RSR, including scientific and technical information, and training; and Promoting the harmonization of the railway safety regime of South Africa with Southern African Development Community (SADC) railway operations.
Thank you