Vermont Yankee Presentation to VSNAP 7/17/13 VY/Entergy Fukushima Response Update Bernard Buteau.


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Presentation transcript:

Vermont Yankee Presentation to VSNAP 7/17/13 VY/Entergy Fukushima Response Update Bernard Buteau

Tonight’s Presentation Overview of NRC issued regulatory requirements (Orders & Info Requests) Overview of VY responses to NRC Orders Current VY status 2

Background Following the Fukushima Dai-ichi event in March 2011 the NRC established a senior level task force (Near Term Task Force – NTTF) NTTF conducted a systematic and methodical review of NRC Regulations to identify Safety improvements As a result of the NTTF assessment the NRC issued a set of Orders to all nuclear plant licensees 3

NRC Orders & 50.54(f) Requests Orders Hardened vent modifications – Wetwell and Drywell Spent Fuel Pool Level Monitoring Instrumentation Mitigation Strategies for Design Basis External Events (FLEX) 50.54(f) Information Requests Emergency Planning communication upgrades Emergency Plan Staffing Upgrades Seismic analysis and walkdowns Flooding analysis and walkdowns 4

Mitigation Strategies for Beyond Design Basis External Events (FLEX) NRC Order EA issued 3/12/2012 Key Goals – Protect Public Health and Safety by: – Preventing fuel damage (Core and Spent Fuel Pool) – Providing diverse, redundant, “flexible” means to restore and maintain core and fuel pool cooling as well as containment integrity Assumes Extended Loss of AC Power (ELAP), Motive Force and Loss of Normal Access to the Ultimate Heat Sink Licensees are required to complete full implementation no later than two (2) refueling cycles after submittal of an overall integrated plan or 12/31/16, whichever comes first The current due date for Vermont Yankee FLEX modifications is by end of RFO 31 in Fall

Mitigation Strategies for Beyond Design Basis External Events (FLEX) Vermont Yankee Overall Integrated Plan submitted to NRC on February 28, 2013 Vermont Yankee’s overall plan meets the guidance provided in NEI “Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (FLEX) Implementation Guide – Portable equipment that provides means of obtaining power and water to maintain or restore key safety functions – Reasonable staging and protection of portable equipment – Procedures and guidance to implement FLEX strategies – Programmatic controls that assure the continued viability and reliability of the FLEX strategies 6

Hardened Vent Modifications Wetwell and Drywell NRC Order EA Issued 6/6/2013 Key Goals – Protect Public Health and Safety by: – Upgrading reliable hardened vents with a containment venting system designed and installed to remain functional during severe accident conditions – Preventing core damage when heat removal capability is lost Phase 1: Enhance current wetwell venting system; capable of operating under severe accident conditions Phase 2: Install new drywell venting system; capable of operating under severe accident conditions 7

Hardened Vent Modifications Wetwell NRC Requirement for Phase 1 (severe accident capable wetwell venting system): – Enhance no later than startup from the 2 nd refueling that begins after June 13, 2014 or June 30, 2018, whichever comes first For VY the due date is RFO 32 / Spring

Hardened Vent Modifications Drywell NRC Requirement for Phase 2 (severe accident capable drywell venting system): – Install no later than startup from the 2 nd refueling that begins after June 30, 2017 or June 30, 2019, whichever comes first For VY the due date is RFO 33 / Fall

Spent Fuel Level Monitoring NRC Order EA issued 3/12/2012 Key Goal – Protect Public Health and Safety by: – Providing another reliable means of remotely monitoring wide- range spent fuel pool levels to support effective prioritization of event mitigation and recovery actions in the event of a beyond- design-basis external event Licensees are required to complete full implementation no later than two (2) refueling cycles after submittal of an overall integrated plan or 12/31/16, whichever comes first Vermont Yankee will complete Spent Fuel Pool Level Monitoring Instrumentation installation by end of RFO 31 in Fall

Emergency Plan Communication Upgrades Onsite and offsite communications need to be accomplished during area wide (25 mile radius around site) loss of electrical power, seismic and flooding events Onsite communications will rely on current site radio systems. Upgrades required to radio system power supplies (i.e. batteries) Offsite communications to rely on current radios and satellite phones. Phones to be located in key emergency response facilities These modifications are scheduled for completion by Fall

Emergency Plan Staffing Upgrades Ensure adequate on-shift staff to respond to a “beyond design basis external event” – Implement EP response actions – Perform accident mitigation – Assume limited staff augmentation Identify time and staff needed to perform each emergency task Assess staff’s ability to implement functions and tasks related to Fukushima Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) Recommendation 4.2 (FLEX) VY will complete and submit to NRC by June 11,

Flooding Analysis and Walkdowns NRC 50.54(f) letter of 3/12/12 requested flooding related info: – Complete and document walkdown of all current Licensing Basis Flood Protection features Walkdown of all Flood Protection Features completed Nov 2012 – Prepare Flooding hazards reevaluation by March 2013 Flooding hazards reevaluation completed in March 2013 – Prepare Integrated Assessment report by March 2015 for Flood Hazards Note: NRC audit of VY flooding walkdown effort occurring this week, VT State Nuclear Engineer participating 13

Seismic Analysis and Walkdowns 7/5/13 – VY Submitted an updated Seismic Walkdown Report to the NRC Submit Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report by end of 2014 Complete plant modifications not requiring a refueling outage by end of 2016 Complete modifications requiring a refueling outage within 2 outages from 12/2014 (VY RFO 32 Fall 2017) 14