Digital Phone Service
You probably asked a similar question the first time you heard of CDs versus Vinyl records. Or when we switched from VHS tapes to DVDs. Did you buy a new digital camera yet? Simply put, VoIP is Digital phone service… So what is Voice over IP Phone Service?
Here’s some facts about this new technology. The VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) industry sold 420 million worth of telecom services in Industry analysts project VoIP revenues to grow to 20 billion dollars by Vonage has over 1.5 million customers. All other providers combined have another 1.5 million customers. By 2010 over 20 million homes and 80% of all businesses will have switched to VoIP phone service. (according to Atlantic ACM Group) VoIP – A new opportunity Get ready because its happening NOW
Do you already have DSL or high speed Internet access from your cable company? If you do, why not maximize the service that you’re already paying for? 27% of the homes in America have broadband. 65% of the homes with alarms have broadband. Why are people switching? #1 Reason is price #2 Reason is advanced features Are you ready for VoIP?
Three Plans to fit any customer $19.95 includes all of the advanced features plus unlimited calls to US and Canada. Additional charges for directory assistance and International calls. For $29.95 a month, customers receive all of the above mentioned services plus unlimited calling to 22 European counties. Businesses must use this plan and homeowners may choose this plan. $12.95 includes all the advanced features but no calls. All calls to US and Canada are billed at just 1.9 cents per minute. A one time $19.95 set up fee applies to all plans
Argentina - Buenos Aires Australia Canada Chile Denmark France Germany Hong Kong Ireland Israel Italy Mexico - Mexico City Mexico - Monterey Netherlands South Korea Norway Russia - Moscow Russia - St. Petersburg Singapore Spain Sweden Taiwan United Kingdom Vatican City State For $29.95 a month, make unlimited calls to anywhere in the US and Canada plus these locations too! Additional charges apply for all directory assistance and International calls to locations not listed above.
International Rates This is a small sample of Vontronix International rates. Rates to all 220 countries are available at Chile China – 2.8 Columbia Bogotá – 5.1 Dominican Republic Ecuador France India, Bangalore Israel Italy 1.9 Jamaica Japan Jordan Mexico City – 1.9 Pakistan Philippines Portugal – 3.2 Spain United Kingdom All rates are in Cents Per Minute and are billing in whole minute increments.
What is so attractive about VoIP to make people switch? Price and Advanced Features All Vontronix packages include these features. **Porting of existing phone numbers to the VoIP service is available in most areas. A phone number with dial tone** Call Waiting and Call Conferencing Caller ID Call Forwarding to three numbers Voice Mail – sent to 411 and soon to come 911 service. Do not disturb Speed dialing Wake up calls Super low international rates
Advanced Feature Settings Useful features and a simple way to activate them make for a great package
Advanced features included with the VoIP service A low price is only part of the VoIP story. These features are not available from the LEC. VoIP phone numbers are associated with the hardware, not the location. This means wherever the hardware is taken, the phone number will follow, anywhere in the world. Customers in California can have a 212 area code number that will allow family members in NY to make a local call to reach the customer in California. Find-me service allows the system to do the following: Ring the main phone 5 times, then call a Cell phone for 5 rings, then the home phone for 5 rings and finally, the call is sent to voice mail. Voice mail can be retrieved from any phone or any computer. Voice messages are also sent via with a.wav file attachment. It’s very convenient to listen to messages through computer speakers. Call Logs can be viewed in the user’s portal. See inbound and outbound calls with time, date and duration. Bills are also available on line.
On Line Account Management Simple to use web site for viewing of phone calls and other advanced services
Voice Mail Messages Can be retrieved from the web site, from attachments or via phone
Call Logs Call Logs are available on line for both inbound and outbound calls
Hardware by Zoom The Zoom Model V3 Features A four port router A built in firewall A VoIP Jack – RJ11 A PSTN Jack – RJ11 A USB port Default to PSTN on power outage Easy to use software for initial installation
How it works The VoIP service requires a broadband connection but, the computer doesn’t need to be turned on to make phone calls. The computer is only needed to make changes to the customer profile or to set up advanced calling features. VoIP Jack PSTN
What’s the catch? There’s no catch, it’s just a new way of transporting phone calls by digital compression as opposed to an analog signal over traditional phone lines. The ONLY difference that customers will experience is the requirement to dial area code and number for every call, including local calls. Over 3,000,000 people are already using VoIP phone services and it’s just beginning to become known as a real alternative to Ma Bell. The product is still so new that it needs to be explained to potential customers. If you don’t sign up your customers, someone else will.
What’s in it for dealers? It’s all about residual income. Sell the customer once, get paid forever. Residual commissions are paid by ADI for the life of the account. The $12.95 plan pays a monthly commission of $2. The $19.95 plan pays a monthly commission of $3. The $29.95 plan pays a monthly commission of $4.50 Help offset the cost of the monitoring service Build customer loyalty
How do we sell it to our customers? Bring a preprogrammed unit on sales calls and do in-home demonstrations. Use our End-User PowerPoint presentation. Send out flyers with Monitoring invoices.
The time is now to get into this new and vibrant industry with a product offering that people want and need. The time is now for you to grow your own customer base and lock in additional residual income. The time is now to approach your customers before they sign up with another provider. The time is now for VoIP – The revolution is just beginning. The opportunity is now!
How do I get started? The hardware is available at all ADI stores. (Part - 4Z-5577) Contact your ADI Account representative to get started today. Click here to go directly to the Dealer AgreementDealer Agreement See additional information at or call