+ Present Participle & Present Progressive Tense Formation, use, and conjugation
+ What is the present participle? What is the present progressive? The present participle is like the “ing” form in English. I am thinking of my favorite food. I am living in New York. Yo estoy pensando en mi comida favorita. Yo estoy viviendo en Nueva York. The present perfect is a tense that uses estar (conjugated) + present participle (see above). It identifies something that is happening or in progress.
+ How do you form the present participle? For –AR verbs, you remove the –AR ending and add “ando” For –ER and –IR verbs, you remove the –ER or –IR ending and add “iendo” For example: Caminar Caminando Escribir Escribiendo Beber Bebiendo
+ Here are some more examples!
+ Now you try… Now you try. Turn the following words into a present participle: Jugar Querer Volver Arreglar Vivir Insistir
+ Answers to “Now You Try” Turn the following words into a present participle: Besar Besando Comer Comiendo Hacer Haciendo Arreglar Arreglando Vivir Viviendo Insistir Insistiendo
+ Stem-Changing Verbs in the Present Participle There is no stem change for –AR verbs in the present participle. Pensar (e ie)… Yo pienso Yo estoy pensando. HOWEVER… -ER and –IR verbs with stem-changes, do change in the present participle. Sentir (e ie)… Yo siento. Yo estoy sintiendo. Dormir (o ue)… Yo duermo. Yo estoy durmiendo. Pedir (e i)… Yo pido. Yo estoy pidiendo. Do you notice what happens?
+ Irregular-ish present participles Ir, Oír, and verbs that end in –AER, -EER, and –UIR (but not – GUIR) have present participles that end in “yendo.” Ir yendo Oír Oyendo Caer Cayendo Creer Creyendo Construir Construyendo Which of the following would NOT end in “yendo?” And why not? 1) Traer 2) Ir 3) Leer 4) Seguir 5) Destruir
+ Present Progressive To form the Present Progressive: Conjugate “Estar” to the appropriate person Then add the present participle Example: She is cleaning the stove. Ella está limpiando la estufa. Now you try. We are cooking lasagna. I am writing a novel. You are drinking Coca-Cola.
+ Answers to “Now You Try” Now you try. We are cooking lasagna. (Nosotros) estamos cocinando lasagna. I am writing a novel. (Yo) estoy escribiendo una novela. You are drinking Coca-Cola. Tú estás bebiendo Coca-Cola.
+ Present Progressive continued… You can also use the present progressive with verbs other than “estar” that indicate progression. Continuar (I continue doing something…) Yo continuo trabajando. Seguir (I keep on doing something…) Yo sigo trabajando. You can also use the present progressive with reflexive verbs. I am brushing my teeth. Yo me estoy cepillando los dientes. Put the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) before “estar + present participle” formation.