Chlorophyll Based Shortwave Absorption in POP Bruce Briegleb Bill Large Steve Yeager Gokhan Danabasoglu Keith Lindsay Peter Gent
Chlorophyll Based Absorption Why? Present absorption based on Jerlov water type IA Constant in space and time Vertical distribution of shortwave absorption important to ocean modeling (as shown in 1D boundary layer models) Chlorophyll data available (we used SeaWIFS over September 1997 to November 2001) Transmission parameterization available (Carter Ohlmann’s chlorophyll-dependent)
Chlorophyll Transmission from Carter Ohlmann A_1 exp(-B_1 z) + A_2 exp(-B_2 z) A,B chlorophyll dependent: range of chl from.001 mg/m^3 to 10 mg/m^3 A,B from empirical fits to atmosphere-ocean radiative transfer calculations Solar zenith angle and cloud effects ignored Overall precision of transmission about.005 Transmission compared well to EPIC and TOGA-COARE observations
Implementation Controlled by namelist input. Default transmission available, as well as top layer Monthly climatology of chlorophyll data Chlorophyll assumed uniformly mixed vertically through column Chlorophyll based transmission computed once a month and stored in a look-up table New sw_absorb.F module
Testing Control from Keith Lindsay Ocean only gx3 with NCEP/ISCCP forcing 350 years accelerated; 50 years synchronous Chlorophyll absorption run from year 400 to 423. Years compared to control
Absorbed Shortwave Fluxes (W/m^2) Global Mean Ocean Year 400 ChlorophyllJerlov IA Diff Total Top Layer Bnd Layer minus top Deep below bnd layer
Test Results: Ocean Only SST cools in subtropics about.1C to.2C SST warms along equator about 0.5C, coasts 1C Only small changes in SST seasonal cycle Tropical and sub-tropical waters between ~40m and ~200m depth warm about 0.5C Significant response in Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent
Future Work Combine with Gokhan’s mods Run coupled test (with, without Gokhan’s?) Implement for IPCC?