Keweenaw Interdisciplinary Transport Experiment in Superior 20 investigators 8 institutions 5-year $5.4 million
Seeking a quantitative understanding of processes dominating the transport, transformation and fate of biologically, chemically and geologically important matter on the continental margins, including the margins of large lakes. CoOP Project Goals Exploring physical processes (e.g. longshore currents and thermal fronts) mediating cross-margin transport of materials discharged to and generated within the nearshore waters of Lake Superior. KITES
The Thermal Bar Hypothesis: the thermal bar represents a barrier to offshore mass transport... Thermal Bar
The Keweenaw Current Hypothesis: the current can retard, re-direct and/or accelerate offshore mass transport... Thermal Bar
KITES Project Organization physical processes sediment transport chemical gradients biological communities remote sensing mathematical modeling … each exploring the role of physical processes in mediating cross-margin transport
Study Site on Lake Superior ON HN EH Keweenaw Peninsula
Tributary Discharges Dr. Marty Auer, Dr. Judy Budd and Tom Gatzke “The Ontonagon River and the Thermal Bar”
Tributary Discharges 15 Mar 1 Apr 15 Apr 1 May 15 May 1 Jun
Tributary Discharges
Tributary Discharges Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm
Plankton Dr. Marty Auer, Laura Bub, and Kim Elenbaas Dr. Judy Budd and Dave Osterberg “Dynamics and Distribution”
Bacterioplankton (10 6 cells·mL -1 ) (mg C·m -3 ·h -1 ) “Seasonal Dynamics”
Phytoplankton “Mixed Layer Depth” Chlorophyll Temperature
Phytoplankton Deep Chlorophyll Maximum Chlorophyll Temperature
Zooplankton ChlorophyllTemperatureZooplankton Vertical Distribution
Phytoplankton Remote Sensing Chlorophyll a (µg/L)
Zooplankton Dr. Charles Kerfoot “Resurrection Ecology”
Zooplankton Keweenaw Bay Daphnia mendotae Daphnia retrocurva
Benthos Jason Kahn, Dr. Nancy Auer, Dr. Marty Auer, and Dr. Noel Urban “Organic carbon flux and Diporeia distribution” C
Benthos Offshore Distance (km) Diporeia (#/m 2 )
Benthos Depth % Silt and Clay
Benthos gOCm -2 d -1
Larval Fish Jason Oyadomari and Dr. Nancy Auer “Distribution of Larval Lake Herring in Relation to the Keweenaw Current”
Larval Fish Distance from Shore (km) # of Lake Herring Larvae ∙ 1000 m May 2000 – Surface Waters Houghton Transect Ontonagon Transect
Larval Fish Gene Mensch and Dr. Nancy Auer “Dispersal of Larval Fish at Eagle River”
Larval Fish Mouth 1 km North 1 km South Catostomidae Mouth 1 km North 1 km South Cyprinidae 7 July 2002 Night Seining Larvae per 20m 2 Seine Haul
Carbon Cycling and Energy Flow Dr. Noel Urban, Dr. Marty Auer, and Dr. Sarah Green “A Carbon Budget for Lake Superior” Falls Photo Copyright 1993 CO 2 CH 2 O
Photosynthesis (150) Tributaries (7) Dissolved (150,000) Particulate (8,000) Respiration (1,100) Settling (20) Microbial Assimilation (100) Offshore, stratified conditions Standing Crop (mgm -2 ), Transfer Rates (mgm -2 d -1 ) Carbon Cycling and Energy Flow Photolysis (?)
Fish Community Objectives for Lake Superior Goals and Guiding Principles the ecosystem must be managed within the bounds of its biological productivity the ecosystem must be managed based on science fish habitats must be protected ability to manage fish communities is limited
y’all come see! Conclusion: May Abstract Deadline: 12 April 2002
addresses of investigators cited here: