EMECO – European Marine Ecosystem Observatory UK – Cefas, EA, NOC, SAHFOS; NL- Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, NIOZ, Norway-IMR, NERSC, Met Off; DE-GKSS, BE – MUMM, F – IFREMER, Irl – Marine Institute, D – NIVA; S - SMHI
Introduction Operational monitoring SmartBuoy (Wavenet) network Coverage, instrumentation, plans Examples of results EMECO what is it, what does it do Infrastructure Application Products
Warp Anchorage Gabbard Dowsing (new) Celtic Seas AFBI & MI Galway Historic sites Integrated monitoring: chlorophyll from satellite, ship (RWS) and buoy SmartBuoy – operational network SmartBuoy – 5 (7) buoy + ODAS Wavenet – 11 Waverider buoys SmartBuoy measurements CTD, I (PAR) (1 and 2 m), Chl fluorescence, turbidity, O 2, nutrients, phytoplankton, SPM Daily averaged (< 1 h – daily) Surface and subsurface Satellite telemetry QA’d data – assessment to sensor or wavenet POL COBS SmartBuoys Oyster Grounds joint UK/NL SmartBuoy Oyster Grounds joint UK/NL SmartBuoy site
Phytoplankton blooms – variability in timing, amplitude and duration SmartBuoy observations Nutrient conc. – short term and inter annual variability Chlorophyll (mg m -3 ) ToXN ( M) / Oxygen %
EMECO - European Marine Ecosystem Observatory UK-Cefas, EA, NOC, SAHFOS; NL-Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, NIOZ, Norway-IMR, NERSC, Met Off; DE- GKSS, BSH, BE – MUMM, F – IFREMER, Irl – Marine Institute, D – NIVA; S - SMHI Builds on existing infrastructure Multi-scale – time & space Supporting adaptive management EuroGOOS project Defra funded Nov 08 EMECO is a an informal European network for integration of monitoring, modelling & research.
North Sea ‘Observatory’ Buoys Ferries Research vessels Towed bodies Satellites
Detection of environmental change Interannual differences in the Channel Validated chlorophyll products Some extreme case II waters require additional validation To interpret these figures we need additional information from measurements and models & different national origins SmartBuoy chlorophyll (mg m -3 ) Satellite chlorophyll (mg m -3 ) Satellite growing season chlorophyll average for 2003 Satellite growing season chlorophyll average for 2008
Ecosystem modelling Norway Bolstering formal assessments of eutrophication Carrying out nutrient reduction scenarios Evaluating indicators Validation with national marine monitoring programme data OSPAR Working Group on Eutrophication Modelling – Widespread capability in ecosystem modelling Collaborative infrastructure in place - OSPAR
FerryBox – GKSS;CPR - SAHFOS SmartBuoy – Cefas/RWS Lander - Cefas RV - RWS Visualisation integration tools Integration Information & assessment related products DIAS Data extraction
EMECO example product User generated maps ‘Agreed’ international map of chlorophyll Transparent information product with estimate of confidence DIAS
Today’s 27. May simulated Cod larvae distribution
Summary Strategic partnerships in place within EMECO – more partners interested Netherlands-UK SmartBuoy programme FerryBox-CPR joint network (North Sea, Channel..) Cefas-GKSS – FB knowledge transfer UK-Ireland joint buoy deployment Cefas – IFREMER satellite validation EMECO adopted as NOOS project – wider interest Bottom-up approach provides immediate multi- national monitoring infrastructure Tools for integration and rapid assessment being put in place Startup funding from Defra secured 18 months