© Crown copyright Met Office Assimilation of OC-CCI data David Ford and Rosa Barciela CCI CMUG Fourth Integration meeting, 2 nd -4 th June 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

© Crown copyright Met Office Assimilation of OC-CCI data David Ford and Rosa Barciela CCI CMUG Fourth Integration meeting, 2 nd -4 th June 2014

© Crown copyright Met Office Overview Assimilate chlorophyll products into FOAM-HadOCC model Create global reanalysis for September 1997 – July 2012 Compare: Control run Assimilation of OC-CCI chlorophyll Assimilation of GlobColour chlorophyll Assess: Impact of data assimilation on biology and carbon cycle Seasonal and inter-annual variability

© Crown copyright Met Office Results

© Crown copyright Met Office Chlorophyll April 2003 Control run OC-CCI assimilation GlobColour assimilation OC-CCI observations GlobColour observations mg m -3

© Crown copyright Met Office Validation against in situ obs AMT 2003 log 10 (chlorophyll)Nitrate (mmol N m -3 ) RMSEr r Control GlobColour assim OC-CCI assim (vs. observations taken in surface 10 m)

© Crown copyright Met Office Validation against in situ obs SOCAT v2 ( ) Surface fCO 2 (μatm) RMSEr Control GlobColour assim OC-CCI assim n.b. Observations where bottom depth < 150 m excluded

© Crown copyright Met Office Air-sea CO 2 flux June 2012 Climatology (Takahashi)Control run GlobColour assimOC-CCI assim Air-sea CO 2 flux (molC/m 2 /y) -2 Out of ocean | Into ocean 024

© Crown copyright Met Office Air-sea CO 2 flux Tropical Pacific mean Multivariate ENSO index sourced from:

© Crown copyright Met Office Summary and future work

© Crown copyright Met Office Summary Conclusions: OC-CCI and GlobColour chlorophyll assimilated into FOAM-HadOCC Assimilation improves model results OC-CCI and GlobColour give broadly similar results, but with interesting differences Next steps: More detailed validation Exploration of seasonal and inter-annual variability Investigate differences Future requirements from OC-CCI: Case II waters products Single sensor along-track products

© Crown copyright Met Office Questions and answers

© Crown copyright Met Office Air-sea CO 2 flux June 2008 Climatology (Takahashi)Control run GlobColour assimOC-CCI assim Air-sea CO 2 flux (molC/m 2 /y) -2 Out of ocean | Into ocean 024

© Crown copyright Met Office Tropical Atlantic Air-sea CO 2 flux MOC NAO

© Crown copyright Met Office