$100 $400 $300$200$400 $200$100$100$400 $200$200$500 $500$300 $200$500 $100$300$100$300 $500$300$400$400$500
Light Dependent Reaction
Calvin Cycle
Anything Goes!
Photosynthesis Chloroplast Light Dependent Reaction Calvin Cycle Anything Goes! $100 $300 $200 $400 $500
- $100 Photosynthesis - $100 Give a specific example of an autotroph.
- $200 Photosynthesis - $200 In what organelle does photosynthesis take place?
- $300 Photosynthesis - $300 Sunlight, carbon dioxide and water yield what product in photosynthesis?
$400 Photosynthesis $400 Which one(s) of these are Reactions are found in photosynthesis: 1). Krebs Cycle 2). Glycolysis 3). Calvin Cycle 4). Fermentation
- $500 Photosynthesis - $500 State the factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.
$100 Chloroplast $100 This is the main pigment in a plant cell
$200 Chloroplast $200 This structure contains chlorophyll and accessory pigments
$300 Chloroplast $300 What are the two types of chlorophyll mentioned in our notes?
$400 Chloroplast $400 This color is reflected by chlorophyll A and B
$500 Chloroplast $500 Explain why leaves change color in the Fall
- $100 Light Dependent Reaction - $100 This is where the Light Dependent Reaction takes place.
- $200 Light Dependent Reaction - $200 The Light Reaction uses sunlight to split what molecule
- $300 Light Dependent Reaction - $300 NADP + converts to NADPH by picking up
- $400 Light Dependent Reaction - $400 This is the waste product of the Light Dependent Reaction
- $500 Light Dependent Reaction - $500 What does What does NADP+ stand for?
- $100 Calvin Cycle - $100 What is another name for the Calvin Cycle?
- $200 Calvin Cycle - $200 In the Calvin Cycle, 6 CO 2 and H + ions are turned into a single _________ molecule.
- $300 Calvin Cycle - $300 Where does the Calvin Cycle take place?
- $400 Calvin Cycle - $400 Does the Calvin Cycle require light?
- $500 Calvin Cycle - $500 ATP and ADP are energy molecules. What do they stand for? (state the words)
Anything Goes! - $100 What is a thylakoid ?
Anything Goes! - $200 What are a stack of thylakoids called?
Anything Goes! - $300 What is stroma?
Anything Goes! $400 The chemical fuel that powers the activities of the cell is called_____.
Anything Goes $500 This type organism consumes (takes in) its food and does not undergo photosynthesis.
- $100 Photosynthesis - $100 Any plant! From the smallest algae in the ocean to the tallest trees in the forest!
- $200 Photosynthesis - $200 In the Chloroplasts
- $300 Photosynthesis - $300 oxygen and a high-energy sugar called glucose
- $400 Photosynthesis - $400 Calvin Cycle
- $500 Photosynthesis - $500 1.Shortage of water 2.Temperature 3.Intensity of light
$100 Chloroplast $100 What is Chlorophyll?
$200 Chloroplast $200 What are Thylakoid membranes?
$300 Chloroplast $300 What are Chlorophyll A and Chlorophyll B?
$400 Chloroplast $400 What is green?
$500 Chloroplast $500 The temperature drops & chlorophyll A and B production decreases
- - $100 Light Dependent Reaction - - $100 What are thylakoid membranes?
- - $200 Light Dependent Reaction - - $200 What are 6 H 2 0 molecules?
- - $300 Light Dependent Reaction - - $300 What are What are one H+ ion and two electrons.
- - $400 Light Dependent Reaction - - $400 What are 6 O 2 molecules?
- - $500 Light Dependent Reaction - - $500 What is What is NicotinamideAdenine DinucleotidePhosphate
- $100 Calvin Cycle - $100 Light Independent Reaction
- $200 Calvin Cycle - $200 What is a glucose molecule?
- $300 Calvin Cycle - $300 What is the stroma of the chloroplast?
- $400 Calvin Cycle - $400 No, it is called the light INDEPENDENT reaction!
-$500 Calvin Cycle -$500 Adenosine Triphosphate(ATP) and Adenosine Diphosphate (ADP)
Anything Goes - $100 What are saclike membranes within the chloroplast
Anything Goes! - $200 Singular: Granum Plural: Grana
Anything Goes! - $300 The white space outside the thylakoid membranes (sort of like the cytoplasm in a cell)
Anything Goes! - $400 ATP!
Anything Goes! $500 What is an isotope?
END OF GAME Daily Doubles and usage notes follow...
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