PROTIST LAB By: Nicole Fidler and Rachel Reineke Honors Eckert Pd.1
Amoeba Nucleus Cytoplasm Pseudopods Contractile Vacuole Food Vacuole Measurement: Prepared= ums, Live= ums Phylum: sarcodina Amoebid movement Flexible Captures/digest food by surrounding it Stores food in food vacuole Has contractile vacuole Binary fission Moves using pseudopods AMOEBA MOVIE! Speed: ums in sec
Anabanea heterocyst Measurement: ums Cyanobacteria Produces neurotoxins Brownian movement
Callithamnion Nucleus Cell Wall Measurement: ums Phylum: Rhodophyta Chlorophyll a Phycobilins and live at great depths Lack flagella
Chlamydomonas Eye spot Flagella Cell Wall Nucleus Measurement: Prepared= ums, Live= 16.4 ums Phylum: chlorophyta 2 flagella Cup shaped chloroplasts Chlorophyll a and b Has contractile vacuoles Alteration of generations
Desmids Cytoplasm Chloroplasts Nucleus Cell Wall Measurement: ums Phylum: chlorophyta Chlorophyll a and b Movement by flagella Alternation of generations
Euglena Nucleus Flagella Pellicle Chloroplasts Stigma Measurement: Prepared= ums, Live= ums Phylum: euglenphyta Uses flagella for movement Has eyespot and pellicle 2 flagella, no cell wall Excellent swimmers EUGLENA MOVIE! Speed: ums in sec
Giardia Nucleus Flagella Measurement: ums movement by flagella Microscopic cysts Phylum: metamonada
Leshmania Nucleus Flagella Measurements: ums Causes lechmaniasis Phylum: Euglenozoa Movement by flagella parasite
Navicula Nucleus Cell Wall Measurement: ums Phylum: bacillariophyta Cell walls of silicon Movement: limited substrate
Nostoc Heterocyst Measurement: ums cyanobacteria Colonies of filaments Gliding movement
Oedogonium Egg cell Cell wall Measurement: Prepared= ums, Live= ums Phylum: chlorophyta Chlorophyll a and b Moves using flagella Adaptions: produces zoospores and syngamy
Paramecium Cilia Macronucleus Micronucleus Cytoplasm Pellicle Food Vacuole Distance: Prepared= ums, Live= ums Phylum: ciliophora Uses cilia for movement Cell membrane is highly structured Uses trichocysts for defence Macronucleus keeps copies the cell needs for day to day life Micronucleus contains a reserve copy of all the cells genes Organized cilia PARAMECIUM MOVIE! Speed: ums in 1.34 sec
Peridinium Flagella Pellicle Transverse Flagella Measurements: ums Phylum: pyrrophyta Uses flagella for movement Shimmer with blue light (luminescent) No histones
Plasmodium Nucleus Measurement: ums Malaria Phylum: Sporozoa Doesn’t move independently (parasite)
Radiolaria Pseudopod Inner Shell Outer Shell Spines Measurement: ums Phylum Sarcodina Pseudopods Amoebid movement Zooplankton
Spirostonium Cilia Cell Membrane Contractile Vacuole Nucleus Measurement: 40.9 ums Phylum: ciliophora uses cilia for movement Free living ( not parasites or symbionts)
Sphacelaria Chlorophyll Nucleus Cell Wall Measurements: ums Phylum: phaeophyta Chlorophyll a and c Spread by spores Fucoxanthin and chlorophyll is dark yellow Largest and most complex algae
Spirogyra Spiral Chloroplasts Nucleus Going through conjugation Tube of conjugation Measurements: Prepared= ums, Live= ums Phylum: chlorophyta Chlorophyll a and b Moves using flagella (colonial) filaments
Stentor Nucleus Food Vacuole Cilia Lysosomes Cytoplasm Measurement: prepared = ums, live = ums Phylum: ciliophora Uses cilia for movement Free living
Termite Flagellates Measurements: ums Phylum: Axostylata Anaerobic Movement by flagella
Trichomonas Measurement: Metamonada phylum Parasite Movement by flagella Causes disease in birds and was found in the jaws of tyrannosaurus rexes
Trypanosoma Nucleus Flagella Undulating membrane Measurement: ums Phylum: zoomastigina Movement by flagella African sleeping sickness
Volvox Daughter colony Mature colony Flagella Measurement: Prepared= ums, Live= ums Colonies of connected by cytoplasm Phylum: chlorophyta Chlorophyll a and b Moves using flagella Alteration of generations
Vorticella Cilia Stalk Food balls Macronucleus Disc Measurement: ums Movement by cilia phylum ciliophora, free- living