Food Syria Croatia Prefer macrobiotic food It’s impolite to eat in public, fast food is eaten at table Chewing a gum in public is very, very impolite Prefer “tasty” food People often eat fast food in public Chewing a gum is impolite only in school
Communication Syria Croatia People like to talk about sport, food and fashion trends Don’t talk about problems, crying is not common Handshake can last for 2 minutes Men and women are not allowed to shake hands. People (of same sex!) usually compliment each other It’s not acceptable to make jokes out of look Don’t talk till someone finish People like to talk about sport politics and about others Like to talk about problems, crying is not an issue Handshake is short and firm Traditionally, men kissed a hand of a women Compliment is sometimes taken with double check Remarking can be taken as a joke Parallel communication
People relationship (I) Syria Croatia People are very sociable Every guest is welcomed for at least a week Neighborly relationships is very important Elder people are very important Little more individuals Old phrase- “Every guest is after three days boring.” It’s not strange to be in bad relation with your neighbor Elders are somethimes very annoying
People relationship (II) Syria Croatia It’s not common to bring presents At dinner the oldest man seats on a front of the table Still present traditional meeting of partner – over a mother or sister Gambling (for money) is forbidden When you meet someone at his home it’s supposed to bring small present In some parts is still important table arrangement It’s common to meet partner when going out Gambling is very popular
Businness Syria Croatia Take it very seriously, separate working time from private Integrity is very important, one is a part of a team (death penalty for theft ) Decisions are made as group consensus on a meetings Education School is very important At work, people like to hang out on coffees and cigarettes (especially in state companies) People think at they interest first Decision making is manager responsibility Education Kids take school as annoying (we don’t need no education)
Politics Syria Croatia One party Very serious topic It’s not common topic to talk about in public or even between friends Many parties People like to make fun out of politicians Very common topic (especially in election time) Can be seriously taken and provoke animosity even between “brothers”