Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheetRecipe Handling First all Tags which are used for a recipe have to be defined and assigned to a block !!! Select Recipe Shortcut draw a rectangle and double-click on it Window “Recipe“ appears Define the name of the recipe object e.g. „RecObj1“ Define the number of recipe entries : e.g. “ 6 “ (means 6 different recipes in this recipe object ) Change into tab „Recipe Tags“ and assign the different tag to this recipe OK Edit recipe values on the PCMCIA card with EXCEL After a download of a project to the PCMCIA card with the download option „Include Recipe Data“ in the subdirectory DATA a file with the extension „*.TAB“ will be generated on the card. This file can be opened and processed by EXCEL. All the different recipe values can be entered in EXCEL. After that the file has to be saved again on the PCMCIA card as „TAB-File“. The MV4 now can read this recipe and it will be loaded into the MV4 after rebooting the Touch-Panel. Note: When using recipes, a handshake between the PLC and the MV4 is necessary. For that reason, the „Control- and Staus-Block“ have to be assigned to marker addresses. In the PLC program you have to program the handshake (see next page). Page 1/ / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheetRecipe Handling Enter resp. Change recipe data via the MV4: 1. Create a recipe object (Define the name of the recipe object and the number of recipe entries). 2. Assign the tags in the tab „Recipe Tags“. 3. Depending on the number of used variables in the recipe mask various keys (objects) for value entry have to be defined. Choose a keyboard type (e.g. Numeric). 4. If necessary, define “Text“ resp. “Value_x“ over the keys for the value entry. 5. Transfer the project to the PCMCIA card and boot the MV4. 6. With the help of the „Recipe key“ and the key „KB“ (keyboard) enter the names for the defined recipes. 7. Select desired recipe and confirm with „RET“ (Return). 8. Enter the values with the hepl of the defined „Value Entry Keys“ and confirm with „RET“. Value will be written to the PLC Value will be stored in the MV4 Blatt 2/ / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheetPassword assignment Password assignment (e.g. for mask changes) : 1.)Define variables: e.g. “bit_level_1 “ 2.)Project Password... General Levels edit / define Users 3.)Call Function key, Open a field over a key for mask change and edit it / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheetErrors, Warnings, Messages Define Tags: Error => Define error bits (direction “MMI <= SPS“ only). Change to tab „Error Text“ and define error texts. (if necessary also define help texts). => Close Assign Tags => New => Add Block (Enter name) [e.g. error alarm, messages, warnings]. Under “Type” select “Error bit...MMI<=“, then assign tags to the block (same with warnings and messages). Change to tab „address“. Select block name, e.g. „error alarm“ and define marker start bit address (same with warnings and messages). Close Error window: Objects => Error window Define window by dragging with the mouse, then double-click on the object. Select frame and other options as required Transfer available blocks into the „Shown error block“ list (e.g. Error alarm) => OK Page 1/ / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheet Confirm Errors: Objects => Function key Define field by dragging with the mouse, then double-click on the object => window “Function key” Group => “Internals” Function => “Error confirm” Tab “Text” => Define key texts => OK History: same as => „error confirm” until “Function” Function => “Show History On/Off” Tab “Text” => Define key texts => OK Browse Error list (History) forward resp. backwards: same as => „error confirm” until “Function” Function => “Error Line up” resp. “Error Line down” Tab “Text” => Define key texts => OK Page 2/3 Errors, Warnings, Messages / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheet Help window: Object => Help window Define field by dragging with the mouse, then double-click on the object => window “Help window” Edit frame, font style and font size Help texts: same as => „Error confirm” until “Function” Function => “Error help” Tab “Text” => Define key texts => OK Edit colours: Project Settings Error Colors Note: In order to update an error window the correspopnding bit in the block „Control“ has to be set in the PLC (also refer to “Handshake with the PLC“). Page 3/3 Errors, Warnings, Messages / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheet For the triggering of special functions within the MV4 project you will have to program a specific handshake procedure in the PLC. Different Actions can be activated simultaneously or in a specified order of execution. For each project GALILEO automatically creates three block of the following types: Control-Status-Date / Time The Control and Status Block each consist of eightdata words which are described below in excerpts: Update error bits (Bit 7 in data word 1) Update warning bits (Bit 6 in data word 1) Update message bits (Bit 5 in data word 1) Trigger mask change (Bit 12 in data word 1) Number of destiation mask(all bits in data word 2) Synchronize time (Bit 10 in data word 1) Send message with date and time (Bit 11 in data word 1) Reading a recipe entry (Bit 6 in data word 3) Activate a change of recipe (Bit 7 in data word 3) Transfer PLC texts (Bit 11 in data word 3) Note: Those control bits should not be programmed statically since that leads to unecessary load on the communication procedure (also refer to AWB-C GB page:2-43). Handshake with the PLC Page 1/ / Info_2.PPT
Process data communication with the MV4 Touch-Panel Info sheet The general sequence of the procedure looks as follows: Handshake with the PLC Page 2/2 Set the bits of the control block As soon as the control bit(s) in the Control block are recognized a copy of the block will be created in the status message. Resetting of the control block when status message has arrived. Control bits in the status message will be reset. As soon as this function is recognized the handshake is finished. Transfer to the MV4 Transfer to the PLC PLC MV4 PLC MV4 PLC For an example for a PLC program controlling the change of a mask see below: VAR Control_MV4 AT %MW : ARRAY [ ] OF WORD ; Status_MV4 AT %MW : ARRAY [ ] OF WORD ; Mask_number AT %IB : BYTE ; Trigger_mask_change AT %I : BOOL ; END_VAR LDMask_number BYTE_TO_WORD STControl_MV4 [ 2 ] LDTrigger_mask_change SControl_MV4 [ 1 ]. 12 LDControl_MV4 [ 1 ]. 12 ANDStatus_MV4 [ 1 ]. 12 RControl_MV4 [ 1 ] Datenwort 1. Datenwort Bit / Info_2.PPT