More Trick For Defeating SSL DEFCON 17 Moxie Marlinspike
Outline 1. Introduction 2. Background Knowledge 3. sslstrip SSL/TLS protocol 3. sslstrip 4. sslsniff A. Basic Constraints vulnerability B. Null-Prefix Attack C. bypassing OCSP 5. Conclusion
Introduction Demonstrate some new tricks for defeating SSL/TLS in places where sslstrip does not reach.
Background Knowledge SSL/TLS Protocol
SSL/TLS Introduction abbreviation for Transport Layer Security and it’s successor Secure Socket Layer Provide communication security over the Internet. Even when the network is being MITM attack.
Network Stack
Handshake Process
Handshake Process
SSLstrip Introduction[1] demonstration of the HTTPS stripping attacks It will transparently hijack HTTP traffic on a network, watch for HTTPS links and redirects, then map those links into either look-alike HTTP links or homograph-similar HTTPS links
How it work Bridge 302 redirect Hyper link bridge 302 redirect Hyper link
302 Redirect
Detail – Normal Scenario Server User User type: Browser Server reply 302 redirect to SSL/TLS handshake Serve reply 200 ok
Detail – Normal Scenario
Detail – Attack Scenario Strip https to http Record url Server reply 302 redirect to Server reply 302 redirect to SSL/TLS handshake Application Data url match Strip https to http Stripped Application Data User/browser Attacker Server
Result(without strip)
Result(with strip)
What can’t sslstirp do the browser query directly. Bookmark User typing Other protocol smtps Ftps Sftp….
SSLsniff - Basic Constraints vulnerability
Certificate Chaining
Certificate Chaining
How we verify Verify that the name of the leaf node is the same as the site you're connecting to. Verify that the leaf certificate has not expired. Check the signature If the signing CA is in our list of trusted root CAs, stop. Otherwise, move one up the chain and repeat.
What they say Verify that the name of the leaf node is the same as the site you're connecting to. Verify that the leaf certificate has not expired. Check the signature If the signing CA is in our list of trusted root CAs, stop. Otherwise, move one up the chain and repeat.
Something must be wrong, but... All the signatures are valid. Nothing has expired. The chain is in tact. The root CA is embedded in the browser and trusted. But we just created a valid certificate for PayPal, and we're not PayPal?
The missing piece
Back in the day Most CAs didn't explicitly set basicConstraints: CA=False Whether the field was there or not, most SSL implementations didn't bother to check it. Anyone with a valid leaf node certificate could create and sign a leaf node certificate for any other domain. When presented with a complete chain, IE, Outlook, Konqueror, OpenSSL, and others considered it valid...
And then in 2002... Microsoft claimed that it was impossible to exploit. So The Author published the tool that exploits it.
SSLsniff detail User/browser Attacker 1. Generate a certificate for the site it is connected to 2. Sign it with any random valid leaf node certificate. 3. Pass that certificate chain to the client. SSL/TLS handshake SSL/TLS handshake Get the Data from server 2. Encrypt it with our private key 3. Send to user Application Data Application Data User/browser Attacker
SSLsniff – Null Prefix Attack Author’s PPT
What's with certificates, anyways? X509 Certificate Version Serial Number Issuer Validity Subject PublicKey Signature Algorithm Signature Issue by some Issuer Identify some subjects Get the public key Issuer Signature
The Big Three Secrecy - Encryption algorithm Authenticity - Digital Signature Integrity - Checksum
SSL Handshake Beginnings