15/11/2011 SPACE MOUSE Seminar
INDEX… 1. Definition & Introduction. Basic needs and Principle. 15/11/2011 INDEX… 1. Definition & Introduction. Basic needs and Principle. Technology behind the spacemouse. Mechatronics Space mouse system. Specification. 7. DOF representation. Real world Implementation. A look for modernity. Future Scope. User’s manual. Questions $ Answers.
Definition and introduction. 15/11/2011 Definition and introduction. Spacemouse is developed by the DLR institute of robotics and mechatronics. DLR(Deutsches Zenturum far Luft-und Raumfahrt ) Space mouse It is a new technology which gives an enhancement in use of graphics user interface with 3D environment and 6 degree of freedom .
Basic needs & principle . 15/11/2011 Basic needs & principle . Use of handshake signals(RTSSCTS) are recommended for safe operation of space mouse. Without the use of handshake signals loss of data may occur.
Technology behind it…… 15/11/2011 Technology behind it…… A way to find the solution with the help of MECHATRONICS. Step towards Mechatronics….
15/11/2011 Mechatronics… Design of Automation along with operational performance of electromechanical system. Mechatronics is centered on mechanics, electronics, computing , control engineering , molecular engineering as well as nano chemistry and microbiology.
Space mouse System.. 3 dimension extension. X-Horizontal. Y-Vertical. 15/11/2011 Space mouse System.. 3 dimension extension. X-Horizontal. Y-Vertical. Z-Upward.
15/11/2011 Specifications…. Additionals: 9 programmable bottons. power supply is via serial port signals.
15/11/2011 6 DOF representation…
Real world implementations…. 15/11/2011 Real world implementations…. DNA replication. 3D grphics technology.
A look for modernity….. 15/11/2011 Infrared technology . Bluetooth extension . Easy to use and control. A quite good handy. Additional use of 3D desktop.
Future Scope… control of the mobile robot from remote computer. 15/11/2011 Future Scope… Segmentation of the hand blob, for higher resolution control of the mobile robot from remote computer. Including sensor data for achieving teleassistance (e.g. collision avoidance) Implementation of a high-level gesture language.
15/11/2011 User’s manual…. 11 Map keys . A quick tip botton.
Procedure to achieve the connection…. 15/11/2011 Procedure to achieve the connection…. Port Output type Dominant mode Position movement Rotation movement.
References For seminars visit www.freshersarena.com. Wikipedia www.wikipedia.com
15/11/2011 THANK U ALL