Cloud Integration Patterns Connect your apps, devices & Vanhoutte
About #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns Business Integration, using Microsoft technology 58 CTO & Product Manager Windows Azure Insider Microsoft BizTalk VTS-P
Codit Integration Cloud Cloud Technology #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns Integration as a Service - Connectivity & integration Managed Services Functional monitoring
The high level overview #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns architecture – #metrostyle Integration Worker BizTalk Server Local systems
New challenges cloud integration #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
Integration Partners Windows Azure
Same problems different solutions new challenges Network latency Identity Management Different SLAs Data Security Monitoring Management Mobile Access Interop Changing schemas Services not Servers Connectivity REST-first
Windows Azure | Application Integration | Service Bus | BizTalk Services | Data Integration | SQL Azure Data Sync | Identity Integration | Active Directory | Network Integration | Azure Virtual Networking Hybrid technologies overview
Application connectivity the dev way #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
Service bus relay | NetTcpRelayBinding | WebHttpRelayBinding | BasicHttpRelayBinding | WS2007RelayBinding | Rendezvous Handshake | Bi-Directional | Net.Tcp Full Duplex | No message size limit #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns firewall friendly relay
#demo – cloud connector #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns manage messages
Service Bus Relay #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Load Balancer Out of the box scalability Disaster recovery options WCF Routing Service One public endpoint, hiding internal ones Cheaper (only 1 relay hour) Security SharedSecret, SWT, SAML ServiceBusAZ tool Blocking outbound IP addresses No, please – IP range changes constantly
Port configuration | Outbound TCP (Ports ) | 9350 Unsecured TCP One-way (client) | 9351 Secured TCP One-way (all listeners, secured clients) | 9352 Secured TCP Rendezvous (all listeners except one-way) | 9353 Direct Connect Probing Protocol (TCP listeners with direct connect) | Outbound HTTP (Port 80, Listeners) | TCP equivalent tunnel with overlaid TLS/SSL formed over pair of HTTP requests | Alternate connectivity path if outbound TCP is blocked | Outbound HTTPS (Port 443, Senders) #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #fyi
Service bus messaging |.NET | WCF | AMQP | REST | Other languages … #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
#demo – message pumps #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns R R S S queue
Service Bus Messaging #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Transient faults QueueClient.RetryPolicy: Exponential / NoRetry ReceiveMode: PeekLock / ReceiveAndDelete Performance optimization QueueClient.PrefetchCount, EnableBatchedOperations Multiple clients / Concurrent Calls on pump Empty messages Message without a body, only properties Name/value pairs, no serialization needed Large messages Store on blob, send reference in body Use sessions to fragment
Service Bus Notification Hubs #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns deliver notifications to millions of devices – cross platform
#demo – stacktoaster #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns R R Backend WorkerRole R R R R Apps
Service Bus Notification Hubs #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Templates Using templates for cross platform communication Send name-value pairs, replace them in the app ForwardTo Combine inbound topics/subscriptions with hubs Tags Publish subscribe with tags (country, team, topic) Client registers on a List of tags Cross platform Windows Phone, Windows 8 IOS, Android
BizTalk Adapter Service Server Explorer (Visual Studio) Server Explorer (Visual Studio) PowerShell CmdLets Management Service REST API Lob Relay (Service Host) Windows Azure BizTalk Services #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns Bridge Pipeline VETE Messages Sources FTP/S HTTP SFTP Destinations Service Bus Web Service FTP/S HTTP Blob
#demo – customer query #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns WABS Customer Bridge SQL Region=EMEA Region=US
Windows Azure BizTalk Services #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Hybrid connectivity FTP, HTTP, Adapter service, AS/2 Routing Scenarios B2B (e-Invoicing) Expose on-prem services Combine with BizTalk Server Better together EDI/X12 B2B Integration Trading partner management
Data integration SQL Azure Data Sync #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
SQL Azure Data Sync #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Lock resolution Hub wins vs Client wins Impact on database schemas 11 stored procs per sync table, 1 new table per sync table 3 triggers on sync table, 1 new UDT per sync table Row filtering Not configurable in the new portal Preview Preview mode for a long time
Identity integration Active Directory #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
Active Directory #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Active Directory sync Synchronize ADFS with Windows Azure Active Directory Directory sync tool Application Single Sign on 135 std SSO configs available (SalesForce, yammer) Possible to integrate custom applications Access Control Service Claim transformations ADFS as Identity Provider (WS-Federation) Multi-factor Authentication Phone based 2 factor authentication (with code)
Network integration going ITpro #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
#demo – point to site (pdf signing) #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns Integration Cloud (Sign PDF) Point to Site (azure connect RIP) Laptop Gateway SharePoint Online
#demo – a restful house #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns Cisco ASA5505 ASP.NET WebApi WebRole TeleTask Home Automation Gateway IPSEC tunnel TCP call Site to Site
Virtual Networking #cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns #notes Secure network tunnel Open internally – not suitable for mobile devices (IOT) Configuration scripts Juniper / Cisco scripts Windows Server script for RRAS Gateway configuration Pay while existing (also when not connected) Use PowerShell to make changes Static & dynamic routing Dynamic: preview
#cloudburst stockholm - cloud integration patterns
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