Interview WebRTC Professor: Elliot Eichen, Mentor: Aishwarya Srinivasan, Project Staff: Fu Yufei, Li Wenzhao, Lu Mingren, Ma Huan, Pang Mo,
Agenda What is WebRTC Use case Advantages of WebRTC Why is WebRTC superior to Skype Our project: Interview WebRTC Project Output Design idea and working flow Key functions Live Demo Conclusion
Beauty of Interview WebRTC A startup company plans to recruit Interns x Flights x Customized Skype x Phone interview Solution with WebRTC: Interview WebRTC Free No third party plugins All you need is Internet and a Browser !! High quality Different signaling protocols can be chosen for handshake.
Check with this cool product! For Interviewer Enter our webpage Create a unique URL Send the URL via Ping! For Interviewee Open the webpage we provide Click the URL he received Ping!
Forget Skype! With Skype, you cannot image: Light & convenient − No installation −Use the URL! Record the video −Share with your boss Group interview
How is this powerful app realized Caller’s Browser Callee’s Browser Firebase Media Flow Lab Server STUN Server.html.js.html.js Offerer SDP Offerer SDP Answerer SDP Answerer SDP ICE.html.js.html.js.html URL ICE
Key function n.getMedia = n.webkitGetUserMedia || n.mozGetUserMedia; n.getMedia(options.constraints { audio: true, video: true } function createOffer() function createAnswer() function sendsdp(sdp) { sdp = JSON.stringify(sdp)}; Get User Media Signaling & Exchange SDP Peer to Peer Connection peerConnection.onicecandidate =onicecandidate; var peerConnection = new PeerConne ction('turn=tr ue') !== -1 ? TURN : STUN, optional); Media Flow
Ready to Rock?!
Conclusion Introduction and advantages of WebRTC Use Case: Interview WebRTC Our project achievements The logic & function of Interview WebRTC Live demo
Thank you.