Today’s Agenda (9.10) The Handshake Peer Feedback on Prepared Speech Topic/Skeletal Outline Impromptu Practice
The Handshake: 5 minutes Get the timing right. Speak up. Get a grip. Dry your palms. Shake Palm to Palm: Keep your hand perpendicular to the ground. An upturned palm may subconsciously signal submissiveness -- a downward palm, dominance. Do not grasp the top of the person’s hand with your free hand – it seems presumptuous on a first meeting. Mind your audience. Know when to LET GO. atch?v=exUlCjqQsDA
Peer Feedback: 15 minutes Sit with your buddy. Shake hands and introduce yourself, even if you already know them. Silently read their speech skeletal outline. Complete the feedback form, providing as much helpful information as possible. When finished, give the feedback form to your buddy. Shake their hand and thank them for their time.
Impromptu Practice: 20 minutes+ Assign a time keeper within your group. Each student will rotate through the following process: Select TWO topic cards. Think about the topic and plan your response in ONE minute. You may write down general ideas to help you on ONE index card. The time keeper will track your time and indicate when it is time for you to begin your impromptu speech. Talk for at least 1:30, but no longer than 2:00. You may use the index card while you speak. Listen to each group member share one positive observation and one suggestion for improvement. Once both the groups have finished with everyone giving an impromptu, we will process the activity together and reflect on ways we can improve.
Impromptu Reflections What went well? What didn’t? What are some ways to deal with nervousness during the impromptu? What are some ideas for things to write on your index card?
Recommendations for “Throw-Down” Impromptus At all times, you should have these three speeches in your figurative back pocket, ready to talk on a moment’s notice. You will almost always get a speech topic very similar to one of these, and you will be able to twist your speech to fit the prompt. Somebody who is alive (not Obama) Somebody who was alive and is now dead (not Einstein or anyone else extremely recognizable) Somebody in literature (preferably someone unusual)