GAME-Kit Adrian Danz Marc Oliver Reinschmidt Tobias Rüggeberg Berthold Schulwitz Tariq Fouta
GAME-Kit Structure our project hardware display communication system programming other features software MB90F387 display controller MB90F395 main controller
GAME-Kit Our project developer board eye catcher popular game general applications
GAME-Kit Hardware (1) display communication two processors communication with tree wires data serial with handshake system programming both processors and one RS232 selection with jumpers. one reset button also used by DTR of RS232
GAME-Kit Hardware (2) other implemented hardware features powersupply or battery analog port used for battery controlling speaker for sound output both processors with CAN bus driver all pins of MB80F395 connected to pinheaders
GAME-Kit Software (1) display data over one serial data line with hardware handshake. (tree wires between the MCUs) get row data while showing the row display the picture after the transmission is complete
GAME-Kit Software (2) game like tetris playing with four buttons levels with different kind of speed portability software allows variable platforms (other MCUs) simple modular structure
GAME-Kit The end Thanks for your interesting