Egypt, Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent Test Review
Sumer Developed cuneiform Invented the wheel Built Ziggurats City States Polytheistic Epic of Gilgamesh
Babylon Code of Hammurabi Capital was Babylon Adopted Sumerian gods Expanded public works projects
Hittites Indo Europeans Developed iron weapons Revolutionized warfare
Assyrians Brutal treatment of enemies and fierce warriors Improved weapons and siege tactics Established large empire Developed road networks Built one of the world’s first libraries
Chaldeans/Neo Babylonian Empire Restored Babylon Hanging Gardens of Babylon Captured Jerusalem and brought Jewish slaves back to Babylon
Phoenicians Traders who traveled throughout the Mediterranean Carriers of Civilization Spread ideas and technology throughout the Mediterranean Developed the alphabet
Dynasty Power/rule passed one from one family member to another
Theocracy Government run by religious leaders
Cuneiform Wedge shaped form of writing developed by the Sumerians
Hieroglyphics Form of writing using pictures to represent letters and concepts
Egyptian View of the Afterlife Positive view Reflected the favorable geographic characteristics of the Nile River Valley
Sumerian View of the Afterlife Feared gods Saw gods as unpredictable View of the afterlife was gloomy and bleak Reflected the unpredictable nature of their world
Effects of Geographic Factors in Sumer Lack of natural barriers promoted cultural diffusion
Effects of Geography on Egypt Natural barriers protected Egypt from invasion and movement of large groups of outsiders Limited cultural diffusion Promoted development of unique Egyptian culture