Comparative Adjectives!
Review Adjectives have 3 degrees Positive: I am tall Comparative: I am taller than you Superlative: I am the tallest person ever
Positive Adjectives These are the basic adjectives 1st and 2nd declension adjectives pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum (beautiful) stem: pulcher saevus, saeva, saevum (savage) stem: saev
More Positive Adjectives 3rd declension adjectives fortis, fortis, forte (brave, strong) stem:fort ferox, ferox, ferox (gen. ferocis) (fierce) stem:ferōc
Superlative Adjectives To form them add –issimus, issima, issimum to the stem saevus, stem = saev superlative = saevissimus fortis, stem = fort superlative = fortissimus Exceptions: adverbs that end in “r” or “l” double the consonant and add –imus pulcher, stem = pulcher superlative = pulcherrimus
Superlative Adjectives! Translate as “very ______” “_______est” or “most _____” saevissimus = very savage fortissimus = bravest pulcherrimus = most beautiful
Comparative Adjectives To form comparative, add –ior (m & f) or –ius to the stem. Decline like 3 rd decl. Find the stem: saevus, saeva, saevum stem:saev comparative: saevior, saevius fortis, fortis, forte stem: fort comparative: fortior, fortius pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum stem: pulcher comparative: pulcherior
Comparative Adjectives How do they translate? “more ______” or “_____er” or “too _____” saevior = too savage fortior = braver pulcherior = more beautiful
Irregular Comparatives A few comparative adjectives are irregular They are the same as the irregulars in English: What’s the comparative for good? Better (not gooder) In Latin, bonus = good, melior = better magna = big, maior = bigger