Nicole Sievert, Les Smith, Craig Mooney, Sherry Warner, Matt Nummerdor T: 1:30 Ethical Theories Presentation March 24, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Nicole Sievert, Les Smith, Craig Mooney, Sherry Warner, Matt Nummerdor T: 1:30 Ethical Theories Presentation March 24, 2009

Theory that morality is relative to norms of a culture. What is right or wrong depends on the norms of a society, and may not be morally right in another.

There are no universal moral standards that can be applied to all people at all times.

 Herodotous  He obsevered different society and customs.  Each person thought their society had the best customs.  No custom was better off than the other.

 Socrates  He was mocked for his plays of comic- drama.  His plays went against social norms.  He was a controversial figure.  He was sentenced to death by poison.

 Friedrich Nietzsche  Rejected that human beliefs simply mirror reality.  Each of our beliefs is neither correct nor incorrect.  Only moral interpretations.

 W.T. Stace argues that: ...if taken seriously and pressed to its logical conclusion, ethical relativity can only end in destroying morality altogether... in robbing human beings of any incentive to strive for a better world. (Ibid. p.195)

W.T. Stace also states…. If men come really to believe that one moral standard is as good as another, they will conclude that their own moral standard has nothing special to recommend it. They might as well then slip down to some lower and easier standard. (Ibid. p.195)

 No universal moral criteria, no absolutes not even of tolerance. The supporters cannot promote the theory claim its acceptance will support tolerance of other cultures because it’s not necessarily a good thing. It is only a good thing in cultures where it is promoted. If people are raised in a culture where it is thought to be a good thing to be INTOLERANT, then that is what people should be.

There are cultures where people believe that they are superior culture can abuse others people. So for that group of people tolerance is not a good thing.

Each year hundreds of newborn girls in India are murdered by their mothers because they are female. Some women believe that sacrificing a daughter guarantees a son in the next pregnancy. Some families cannot afford the dowry demanded for a girl's marriage.

Under a "one-child policy," introduced in 1979 to help slow down the galloping population growth rate, parents are routinely sterilized and face large fines if they have more than one child. The government claims it has successfully prevented 250 million births since it was introduced.

Some places that openly and legally, authorize active assistance in dying, are: Oregon (since l997, physician-assisted suicide); Switzerland (1941, physician and non-physician assisted suicide); Belgium (2002, permits 'euthanasia‘) Netherlands (2002 voluntary euthanasia and physician- assisted suicide).

The assisted suicides of an elderly British couple at a Swiss clinic rekindled the fierce debate Friday over whether Britain should modify its laws to allow terminally ill patients to end their lives with a doctor's help. The clinic was operating within Swiss federal law that gives people "the right to decide for themselves where and when they want to die."

Abortion of newborn females is acceptable to Chinese culture for population control. Could that practice be ethically introduced in the United States? Euthanasia is legal in Oregon. Could it become practiced more in the rest of United States? Socrates was sentenced to death because he wrote plays against social norms. What could happen to people who go against social norms in today’s society?