Teachers as Writers A Step in the Write Direction SoMIRAC April 2, 2014 Beth Anne Burke, Tracey Greenberg, Amy Shinn, & Kathleen Simmons Central Elementary School Anne Arundel County
Outcomes Examine reasons and methods to encourage teachers to write Explore how teachers writing can positively impacting writing instruction Engage in the stages of the writing process
Why Should Teachers Write? Common Core State Standards are giving “equal billing” to writing and reading Many research studies have demonstrated the critical importance of writing We must have a deep understanding of the content we are teaching We can get students to “buy in” to writing Students need to see “writer’s angst”—our thinking aloud and “messiness” as we make decisions about our writing
Could I write like that, let alone teach a [15] year old to write like that? Lucy Calkins, Pathways to the Common Core
How Did We Begin? Survey Goal setting Following Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study: Writing forms for our writing Have fun Reflect
Writing is a Learnable Craft – Don Murray “Writing is just like any other practice – playing piano, running, knitting. The more opportunity you have for practice, the better you get.” –Lucy Calkins
What do we do when we meet? Free write Share our writing Mini-Lessons Read! Mentor texts Set goals Homework!
Mini Lesson Activity My Grandpa My Grandpa is not around. I loved him. He used to give me candy. He takes me places. He used to take me swimming. He delivered me and my sister and brother. I liked when he held me. My Grandpa is not around.
Teacher Model
Today is the day! Your turn to write a circular ending.
Now that you know how to do this, I expect you to do it in your writing from now on. Lucy Calkins
Alas, there is no Miracle-Grow for growing young writers. There are no shortcuts when it comes to learning how to write. Ralph Fletcher & Joann Portalupi
“A Writer’s notebook gives you a place to live like a writer, not just in school during writing time, but wherever you are, at any time of the day.” Ralph Fletcher
Particularly Powerful Chapters Fierce Wonderings Writing small, seed ideas Mind Pictures Snatches of Talk Lists Memories Rereading: Digging out the Crystals
Fierce Wonderings I heard crows talking to each other. When I heard them I wanted to know what their conversations was. I didn’t know what their conversation was. I didn’t know if they were talking, calling, or fighting. I wish I could understand what they were saying.
How to Use Your Writer’s Notebook Keep your notebook with you at all times. Date every entry. Do not skip pages. All drawings should have writing with them. Number the pages. Write daily. Vary your topics.
We cannot teach writing well unless we trust that there is a real, human reason to write. Lucy Calkins
What do the teachers say? “I have become more comfortable with others reading my writing.” “It has helped me become more confident modeling my writing in front of students.” “It helps to know that many teachers feel insecure about their writing. I’m not alone and we are all growing as writers together.” “I have definitely tried more ‘craft moves’ in my writing than I have used before.” “I have been writing more regularly and have written a variety of pieces.”
Modeled Writing
When you’re done, you’ve just begun! Lucy Calkins
Resources Ralph Fletcher & JoAnn Portalupi books A Writer’s Notebook Writer’s Workshop: The Essential Guide Craft Lessons: Teaching Writing K-8 Nonfiction Craft Lessons: Teaching Information Writing K-8 Lucy Calkins resources Pathways to the Common Core Units of Study: Writing
Resources Kate Messener’s Blog To Teach Writing, You Have to Be A Writer by Justin Stygles (Reading Today Online article) today/classroom/post/engage/2013/12/10/teach-writing-be-a-writer today/classroom/post/engage/2013/12/10/teach-writing-be-a-writer Two Second Horror Stories you-up-at-night-7-gave-me-chills you-up-at-night-7-gave-me-chills