Closing Ritual © Mary Cresp RSJ.


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Presentation transcript:

Closing Ritual © Mary Cresp RSJ

®We come to the end of a journey ®We come to the end of a journey. In ending this journey we turn to begin another one. Let us pause to give thanks for all that has been as we ready ourselves to say yes to the new. We pray together:

We thank you, God, for all that has been during these days together We thank you, God, for all that has been during these days together. You are our hope; your light lures us on as we travel through life’s mystery. May your voice, your small, still voice, lead us to the place to which you beckon. May your presence accompany us, your warmth embrace us and your words encourage us on this journey.

®So we listen to God’s encouraging word: John 13: 36, 14: 5, 6. Simon Peter asked, "Master, just where are you going?" Jesus answered, "You can't now follow me where I'm going. You will follow later." Thomas said, "Master we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

®Through his companionship with Jesus, the Word incarnate, Julian came to know God at a deep level. The pilgrimage of his life left us with many gifts. We give thanks to God for these gifts as we take them up for the completion of our own journeys. Bookmark: Saying of Julian. Choose one that appeals to you, and give it as gift to someone else here.

Dance in the New Day (Kathy Sherman, “Walk With Me”) Prophets go forth to proclaim your stories, Go with your visions and go with your dreams. Dreamers go quickly, the night is waiting For us to dance in the new day!

We gather all into our circle of hope; a circle inviting hands; and though we are many we sing with one voice a song that all Earth understands.

Prophets go forth to proclaim your stories, Go with your visions and go with your dreams. Dreamers go quickly, the night is waiting For us to dance in the new day!

We go forth to celebrate living; our works and our loves and our fears. The strength of our joy has been nourished in pain, our roots watered deeply by tears.

Prophets go forth to proclaim your stories, Go with your visions and go with your dreams. Dreamers go quickly, the night is waiting For us to dance in the new day!

Strengthened around Holy Wisdom, trusting her warmth and her flame; in her we are tender, fierce, loving and strong; as one we go forth in her name.

Prophets go forth to proclaim your stories, Go with your visions and go with your dreams. Dreamers go quickly, the night is waiting For us to dance in the new day!

in every footstep we take. In all our travelling, loving God, may it be your footsteps in which we place our feet. ®As we say goodbye to each other, we remember we do not go alone. Let us pray with and for each other as we step into the next part of our journey:   ®In all our travelling, loving God, may it be your footsteps in which we place our feet. Yours is the Glory in every footstep we take. Yours is the Glory in every footstep we take.

Yours is the Glory in everything we see. May yours be the Glory in everything we see; a country scene, mountain stream, sunrise, sunset, rain and snow. ®May yours be the Glory in everything we see; a country scene, mountain stream, sunrise, sunset, rain and snow. Yours is the Glory in everything we see. Yours is the Glory in everything we see.

Yours is the Glory in everything we hear. May yours be the glory a roaring sea, bumblebee, loving, a tender poem. ®May yours be the Glory in everything we hear; a roaring sea, bumblebee, laughter, loving, a tender poem. Yours is the Glory in everything we hear. Yours is the Glory in everything we hear.

Yours is the Glory in everything we feel. May yours be the Glory in everything we feel; a special place, warm embrace, accepted, helped to become whole ®May yours be the Glory in everything we feel; a special place, warm embrace, accepted, helped to become whole Yours is the Glory in everything we feel. Yours is the Glory in everything we feel.

We step out now in faith, O God. Holy Spirit be our guide. Let us follow where you lead, walk where you tread, rest where you lay us down, drink from the water that you supply, so that arriving we are refreshed and bathed in the light promised us by Jesus. Amen.