…lies northwest to continental Europe. Ireland is a large island in Europe which is surrounded by hundreds of islands. To its east is Great Britain.
The Irish consume in average liters of beer per year. The three most famous symbols of Ireland are the green shamrock, the harp, and the Celtic cross. 88% of Irish citizens are Roman Catholic. The ancestral language of Irish people is Irish Gaelic!
Halloween was derived from an Irish festival called sambaing. Irishman James Hoban designed white house. Is St.Patrick’s emerald isle of snakes clearing of them true? There may have never been any snakes in Ireland.
St. Patrick was not actually Irish. He was Roman. The longest place name in Ireland is Muckanaghederdauhaulia. There are more mobile phones in Ireland than there are people.
In Ireland lakes are called loughs. (pronounced as locks) Gaelic is the common spoken language next to Irish and English. There are nearly 8 times more Polish speakers than there are Gaelic. Titanic “the unsinkable ship” was made in Ireland.
According to the Irish birthday traditions people hold the birthday child upside down and smack the child’s head on the floor. The smacks correspond with the age of the child. It is believed that this tradition is good luck.
Drisheen Is a type of pudding made from cows, pigs, or sheep’s blood. White pudding is a mixture of pork, cereal, bread, fat, and suet. Periwinkles are sea snails boiled in salted water.
Many Irish families start with “Mac” or “O” which means “son of” and “grandson of.”
The morrigan is usually interpreted as the war goddess and the goddess of crows. She is strong, fierce, and loyal. She is one of the many mythical goddesses of Ireland.
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